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5 new audiobooks you can spend this World Book Day listening to

Hyped up for world book day on the 23rd of April? It’s a Saturday so we understand if you have too many chores on your to-do list to actually curl up with a book. You also may not be able to spend it at a bookstore adding another pile to your already full and chaotic shelves that need organizing this weekend. If this sounds like you, or even if your eyes are just too weary to focus on tiny letters, we’ve got you covered. You can still spend a perfectly wholesome World Book Day in the comfort of your home while ticking not just one, but five great new books off your TBR (To Be Read, but we’re sure you knew that!) before the spoilers start coming in. All you got to do is download your picks from the books below. You’ve got your work cut out for you, so you can start listening to these while you arrange those bookshelves by colour, authors’ names, or theme.

Hit play and get cracking!


The Origin Story of India’s States
The Origin Story of India’s States
The Origin Story of India’s States || Venkataraghavan Subha Srinivasan

The Origin Story of India’s States is a fascinating and illuminative account of the genesis of India’s states. It presents the incredible origin stories of each of India’s twenty-eight states and eight union territories, spanning from Independence until today.

The state that wasn’t even a part of India until 1975; the union territory that had a prime minister for a single day; the state that has not one or two but three capitals; and the union territory that has beaches on both coasts-this book looks into such unique aspects of Indian history and adds to our understanding of how our nation has been built.


Sita: A Tale of Ancient Love
Sita || Bhanumathi Narasimhan

Sita is a tale of ancient love from Indian mythology & Hindu folklore and legends.

Sita, the beloved princess of Mithila, is one of the most revered women in Indian history; so well known, yet probably the least understood. At every crossroad of her life, she chose acceptance and grace over self-pity. Her life was filled with sacrifice yet wherever she was, there was abundance. It was as if she was carved out of an intense longing for Rama, yet she had infinite patience. In every situation she reflected his light and he reflected her love. In her, we find someone who is so divine yet so human.

In this poignant narration, Bhanumathi shows us the world through the eyes of Sita. We think what Sita thinks, we feel what she feels, and for these few special moments, we become a part of her. And perhaps, through this perspective, and Sita’s immortal story, we will discover the true strength of a woman.

Secrets of Divine Love
Secrets of Divine Love
Secrets of Divine Love || A.Helwa

Secrets of Divine Love draws upon the spiritual secrets of the Qu’ran, mystical poetry and stories from the world’s greatest prophets and spiritual masters to help you reignite your faith, overcome your doubts and deepen your connection with God. Practical exercises and guided meditations will help you develop the tools and awareness to overcome the inner critic that prevents you from experiencing God’s all-encompassing love.

The passages in this book serve as a compass and guiding light that return you to the source of divine peace and surrender. Through the principles and practices of Islam, you will learn how to unlock your spiritual potential and your divine purpose. Secrets of Divine Love uses a rational yet heart-based approach towards the Qu’ran that not only enlightens the mind, but also inspires the soul towards deeper intimacy with God.


Roots to Radiance
Roots to Radiance
Roots to Radiance || Nikita Upadhyay

Do you wish you looked perfect, but don’t have the time or money for expensive treatments? Look no further than Roots to Radiance-your self-care bible to good skin, hair, teeth, nails, etc., and, most importantly, good health.

In Roots to Radiance, you will find 500+ tips and tricks that will help you stay in your ‘A game’. By using its easy-to-make solutions drawn from traditional Indian wisdom, you can lessen and even replace chemicals with wholesome, natural ingredients that will enrich and enhance your daily beauty routine.

From refreshing life lessons to inevitable struggles and motivational inspiration, this book will help you sail through every beauty or life concern you’ve ever had.


A Rude Life
A Rude Life
A Rude Life || Vir Sanghvi

Vir Sanghvi’s has been an interesting life – one that took him to Oxford, movie and political journalism, television and magazines – and he depicts it with the silky polish his readers expect of him. In his autobiography, A Rude Life, he turns his dispassionate observer’s gaze on himself, and in taut prose tells us about all that he’s experienced, and nothing more for he’s still a private man.

He unhurriedly recounts memories from his childhood and college years, moving on to give us an understanding of how he wrote his biggest stories, while giving us an insider’s view into the politics and glamour of that time.

This is an explosively entertaining memoir that details one of the most eventful careers in Indian journalism. Studded with a cast of unforgettable characters like Morarji Desai, Giani Zail Singh, Amitabh Bachchan, Dhirubhai Ambani and a host of other prominent political and cultural figures, A Rude Life is a delicious read.

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