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A Various World

A Various World

People, Places, Perspectives

Ashok Kumar Bal
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This captivating collection of essays and short stories offers a window into Ashok Kumar Bal’s diverse life experiences, seamlessly blending personal reflection, social observation, and historical narrative. With an illustrious career in public service, corporate leadership, and academia, the author brings a unique perspective to a wide range of themes—ranging from the deeply personal to the profoundly universal.

A Various World presents events, individuals, and settings that are deceptively simple and ordinary, yet upon closer inspection, they reveal the layered richness of life. The author serves as a medium to connect these themes with readers, inviting them to see that what is often considered ordinary is, in fact, extraordinary.

Imprint: India Penguin Enterprise

Published: Feb/2025

ISBN: 9780143474708

Length : 320 Pages

MRP : ₹499.00

A Various World

People, Places, Perspectives

Ashok Kumar Bal

This captivating collection of essays and short stories offers a window into Ashok Kumar Bal’s diverse life experiences, seamlessly blending personal reflection, social observation, and historical narrative. With an illustrious career in public service, corporate leadership, and academia, the author brings a unique perspective to a wide range of themes—ranging from the deeply personal to the profoundly universal.

A Various World presents events, individuals, and settings that are deceptively simple and ordinary, yet upon closer inspection, they reveal the layered richness of life. The author serves as a medium to connect these themes with readers, inviting them to see that what is often considered ordinary is, in fact, extraordinary.

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Paperback / Hardback

Ashok Kumar Bal

Ashok Kumar Bal belongs to the 1983 batch of Indian Revenue Service (IRS) and held various leadership positions in government, public sector, and corporates. He combines diverse experience across broad spectrum of activities and domains. He takes keen interest in history, heritage, and culture. He regularly writes for national dailies. His varied interests include history and heritage of Odisha which fascinated him to write the nationally acclaimed book Gajapati: A King Without a Kingdom. He writes in newspapers and journals on diverse issues like politics, economy, and religion. He regularly takes classes at the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics in Pune. Currently, he is the CEO and patron of the Kalinga Literary Festival.

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