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Amir Khusrau

Amir Khusrau

The Man in Riddles

Ankit Chaddha
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Paperback / Hardback

The oilman’s oil, the potter’s pot
The elephant’s trunk, the king’s flag

A riddle is a mystery concealed in words, each a clue you must unravel. In this book, it is also a piece of verse, part of the puzzle that is the fascinating life of Amir Khusrau.

Gloriously illustrated, crafted with care and sprinkled with delightful snippets of history, Amir Khusrau: The Man in Riddles is guaranteed to bewilder, inform and entertain children and adults alike.

Work your way through the riddles on your own or challenge a friend, or just read on for the answer and a peek into the thoughts of this enigmatic poet, mystic and musician.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Oct/2016

ISBN: 9780143426486

Length : 96 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00

Amir Khusrau

The Man in Riddles

Ankit Chaddha

The oilman’s oil, the potter’s pot
The elephant’s trunk, the king’s flag

A riddle is a mystery concealed in words, each a clue you must unravel. In this book, it is also a piece of verse, part of the puzzle that is the fascinating life of Amir Khusrau.

Gloriously illustrated, crafted with care and sprinkled with delightful snippets of history, Amir Khusrau: The Man in Riddles is guaranteed to bewilder, inform and entertain children and adults alike.

Work your way through the riddles on your own or challenge a friend, or just read on for the answer and a peek into the thoughts of this enigmatic poet, mystic and musician.

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Paperback / Hardback

Ankit Chaddha

Ankit Chadha is a writer and storyteller, who specializes in weaving research-based narratives for performance in
the oral art of Urdu storytelling-Dastangoi. His works revolve around Sufi poetry and history education.

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