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Feather Tales: Talon The Falcon

Feather Tales: Talon The Falcon

Deepak Dalal
Dalal Deepak
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No wing-beat, no heartbeat, no freedom, no life – a caged bird’s lament.

Talon is a peregrine falcon-those that are hunters and the fastest creatures in the skies. But when locked in a cage, his wings stilled forever, Talon’s mighty heart and spirit are broken. He laments the loss of his wings, crooning the song all caged birds sing.
No bird or squirrel anywhere in the world would ever dream of rescuing a falcon. But in the Rose Garden lives a squirrel like no other. Shikar the squirrel is friends with the birds and the most kind-hearted creature. His tiny heart bleeds for Talon and the terrible fate that has befallen him. Late at night, when only owls and bats are awake, Shikar and his bird friends mount a daring rescue attempt.

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Oct/2016

ISBN: 9780143427902

Length : 80 Pages

MRP : ₹199.00

Feather Tales: Talon The Falcon

Deepak Dalal
Dalal Deepak

No wing-beat, no heartbeat, no freedom, no life – a caged bird’s lament.

Talon is a peregrine falcon-those that are hunters and the fastest creatures in the skies. But when locked in a cage, his wings stilled forever, Talon’s mighty heart and spirit are broken. He laments the loss of his wings, crooning the song all caged birds sing.
No bird or squirrel anywhere in the world would ever dream of rescuing a falcon. But in the Rose Garden lives a squirrel like no other. Shikar the squirrel is friends with the birds and the most kind-hearted creature. His tiny heart bleeds for Talon and the terrible fate that has befallen him. Late at night, when only owls and bats are awake, Shikar and his bird friends mount a daring rescue attempt.

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Deepak Dalal

Deepak Dalal gave up a career in chemical engineering to write stories for children. He lives in Pune with his wife, two daughters and several dogs and cats. He enjoys wildlife, nature and the outdoors. His books include the Vikram-Aditya adventure series (for older readers) and the Feather Tales series (for younger readers). All his stories have a strong conservation theme.

Dalal Deepak

Deepak Dalal gave up a career in chemical engineering to write stories for children. He lives in Pune with his wife, two daughters, and several dogs and cats. He enjoys wildlife, nature and the outdoors. All his stories have a strong conservation theme. His earlier books in the Vikramaditya adventure series are set in India’s wilderness destinations. This is his second book in the Feather Tales series.

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