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I Hate my Curly Hair

I Hate my Curly Hair

Divya Anand
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Paperback / Hardback

I tug till my head’s black and blue!
But nothing can tame
This wild, curly mane!

Curly haired girl does everything she can to straighten her stubborn curls-after all, everywhere she looks she sees heroines with smooth, silky hair. Then one day, a big bully comes along and everything changes! A humorous tale of self-acceptance. And of hair, lots and lots of glorious curly hair!

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Mar/2020

ISBN: 9780143447696

Length : 40 Pages

MRP : ₹250.00

I Hate my Curly Hair

Divya Anand

I tug till my head’s black and blue!
But nothing can tame
This wild, curly mane!

Curly haired girl does everything she can to straighten her stubborn curls-after all, everywhere she looks she sees heroines with smooth, silky hair. Then one day, a big bully comes along and everything changes! A humorous tale of self-acceptance. And of hair, lots and lots of glorious curly hair!

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Paperback / Hardback

Divya Anand

Divya, often called 'baal ki dukaan', struggled with unruly, thick, curly hair for over two decades before she realized her hair looks best when it's left uncombed! She loves using her curls to hold the numerous pens, pencils and paintbrushes she needs while she's writing, doodling or working. She gets her best creative ides when she's hanging upside down, doing anti-gravity yoga. If you're in Bangalore, you might spot her (and her distinctive curls!) with her husband Vivek. Their quest to eat bizarre foods from around the world features in her first book, Dare Eat That. Follow her at:

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