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Jawaharlal Nehru’s Letters to Chief Ministers: 1950-1952 – Volume 2

Jawaharlal Nehru’s Letters to Chief Ministers: 1950-1952 – Volume 2

Jawaharlal Nehru
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The second volume of the Letters to Chief Ministers captures Nehru’s reflections during a defining phase of India’s democracy, from the adoption of the Constitution to the establishment of the first elected government. Through these letters, Nehru shares his thoughts on the challenges and aspirations of shaping a nation under its new framework of governance.

Imprint: Vintage Books

Published: Mar/2025

ISBN: 9780143474722

Length : 712 Pages

MRP : ₹699.00

Jawaharlal Nehru’s Letters to Chief Ministers: 1950-1952 – Volume 2

Jawaharlal Nehru

The second volume of the Letters to Chief Ministers captures Nehru’s reflections during a defining phase of India’s democracy, from the adoption of the Constitution to the establishment of the first elected government. Through these letters, Nehru shares his thoughts on the challenges and aspirations of shaping a nation under its new framework of governance.

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Paperback / Hardback

Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru was born on 14 November 1889 at Allahabad and educated in England, at Harrow and Cambridge. In 1912, Nehru returned home to play a central role in India's struggle for freedom from British colonial rule, and then, as prime minister of independent India for seventeen years, went on to shape the nation's future as a modern, secular and democratic state. He died in office on 27 May 1964. Visionary and idealist, scholar and statesman of international stature, Nehru was also an outstanding writer. His three most renowned books—An Autobiography, Glimpses of World History and The Discovery of India—have acquired the status of classics, and are all published by Penguin.

Jawaharlal Nehru: A life in words

There is no dearth of writing on Jawaharlal Nehru. More will always be less when accounting for his contribution to the country, which starts from before the inception of India, the idea of India. A man who fought imperialism, colonialism, and strove for the idea of a nation propped by secularism, diversity and communal camaraderie […]

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