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Managers Who Make A Difference- IIMA

Managers Who Make A Difference- IIMA

Sharpening Your Management Skills

T.V. Rao
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What qualities do you need to be a successful manager, and how can you develop the qualities you already possess? Managers Who Make a Difference examines how managers’ perceptions about themselves shape their behaviour at work, and studies the ways in which people can translate their ambition, sense of purpose, perseverance, confidence, and resourcefulness into successful management. How can you train yourself to spot competences in others and build on them to create an effective team? How do you achieve the right balance between adherence to existing systems, and creative or experimental problem-solving? And do you have the people skills-the ability to network extensively and build trust-based relationships-required to be a leader? Richly illustrated with anecdotes and experiences of well-known managers, and with a broad array of tips and self-assessment tools to sharpen your management skills, this book is a must read for all practising and aspiring managers. The IIM Ahmedabad Business Books bring key issues in management and business to a general audience. With a wealth of information and illustrations from contemporary Indian businesses, these non-academic and user-friendly books from the faculty of IIM Ahmedabad are essential corporate reading.

Imprint: Random Business

Published: Mar/2016

ISBN: 9788184001372

Length : 328 Pages

MRP : ₹399.00

Managers Who Make A Difference- IIMA

Sharpening Your Management Skills

T.V. Rao

What qualities do you need to be a successful manager, and how can you develop the qualities you already possess? Managers Who Make a Difference examines how managers’ perceptions about themselves shape their behaviour at work, and studies the ways in which people can translate their ambition, sense of purpose, perseverance, confidence, and resourcefulness into successful management. How can you train yourself to spot competences in others and build on them to create an effective team? How do you achieve the right balance between adherence to existing systems, and creative or experimental problem-solving? And do you have the people skills-the ability to network extensively and build trust-based relationships-required to be a leader? Richly illustrated with anecdotes and experiences of well-known managers, and with a broad array of tips and self-assessment tools to sharpen your management skills, this book is a must read for all practising and aspiring managers. The IIM Ahmedabad Business Books bring key issues in management and business to a general audience. With a wealth of information and illustrations from contemporary Indian businesses, these non-academic and user-friendly books from the faculty of IIM Ahmedabad are essential corporate reading.

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Paperback / Hardback

T.V. Rao

Dr T.V. Rao is considered to be the father of HRD in India. He is a teacher, social entrepreneur and institution builder. Born in rural India, he was brought up by his mother and grandparents. He got a degree in BSc from Andhra Loyola College; BEd from Regional College of Education, Mysore; MA in psychology from Osmania University; and PhD from Sardar Patel University. He is associated with pioneering the departments of psychology at the Andhra and Udaipur universities and the Education and Training Department at the National Institute of Health Administration and Education, New Delhi. He joined Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad in 1973 and taught until 1994 as a full-time professor and subsequently as a visiting/adjunct professor until 2014. He is currently a member of the IIMA Society and on the board of governors of the institute. Dr Rao founded the National HRD Network and the Academy of HRD, both renowned institutions in HRD. He has authored around sixty books including Managers Who Make a Difference. He has two daughters and a son and lives in Ahmedabad with his wife and son.

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