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Redesign the World

Redesign the World

A Global Call to Action

Sam Pitroda
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The world was last designed seventy-five years ago, about the same time that Sam Pitroda was born. This design has outlived its utility. Hyperconnectivity and the COVID-19 pandemic offer a unique opportunity to redesign the world to take humanity to the next level.
Redesigning the world is not about looking at it from the point of view of liberal or conservative; left or right; capitalism or socialism; public or private; democracy, dictatorship or monarchy; open or closed systems; rich or poor; urban or rural; east or west; white, brown, black or yellow. This proposed redesign of the world has the planet and its people at the centre; it is built on the foundations of sustainability, inclusion, equality, equity and justice so that everyone on earth can enjoy peace and prosperity. It is not an idealist or utopian vision, but one with humanity at its core.
This book is about reshaping the world to meet the future challenges of our planet and our people.

Imprint: Penguin Audio

Published: Nov/2021

ISBN: 9789354922510

Run time : 540 mins

Redesign the World

A Global Call to Action

Sam Pitroda

The world was last designed seventy-five years ago, about the same time that Sam Pitroda was born. This design has outlived its utility. Hyperconnectivity and the COVID-19 pandemic offer a unique opportunity to redesign the world to take humanity to the next level.
Redesigning the world is not about looking at it from the point of view of liberal or conservative; left or right; capitalism or socialism; public or private; democracy, dictatorship or monarchy; open or closed systems; rich or poor; urban or rural; east or west; white, brown, black or yellow. This proposed redesign of the world has the planet and its people at the centre; it is built on the foundations of sustainability, inclusion, equality, equity and justice so that everyone on earth can enjoy peace and prosperity. It is not an idealist or utopian vision, but one with humanity at its core.
This book is about reshaping the world to meet the future challenges of our planet and our people.

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Paperback / Hardback

Sam Pitroda

Sam Pitroda is an internationally recognized telecom inventor, entrepreneur, development thinker and policymaker who has spent fifty years in information and communications technology and related global and national developments.

Credited with having laid the foundation for India’s telecommunications and technology revolution of the 1980s, he has been a leading campaigner to help bridge the global digital divide. As a way to induce the second phase of India’s technology revolution, in 2005 he headed India’s National Knowledge Commission (2005–09), to provide a blueprint of reform for the knowledge-related institutions and infrastructure for the twenty-first century in the country.

In addition, Sam is a serial entrepreneur having started several companies in the United States. He holds around twenty honorary PhDs, close to 100 worldwide patents and has published five books and numerous papers and lectured widely all over the world.

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