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The A to Z Djinn Detective Agency

The A to Z Djinn Detective Agency

Parinita Shetty
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Paperback / Hardback

Lost a pet?
Can’t find something valuable?
Noticed any suspicious activity?
Need to investigate a mystery?
Have a clue to solve? A treasure to find? A secret room to explore?

Call the A to Z Detective Agency to do the work for you!
No mystery too small,
All you have to do is give us a call!

We’ll even let you in on a little secret:
We have a touch of enchanted luck on our side.

And if you’re not happy with our work,
We’ll even offer you your money back!

Call Ashwin Kamath at 02226666666

The A to Z Detective Agency by Ashwin and Zubeida,
Where every mystery comes to rest.

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Jan/2017

ISBN: 9780143334552

Length : 200 Pages

MRP : ₹250.00

The A to Z Djinn Detective Agency

Parinita Shetty

Lost a pet?
Can’t find something valuable?
Noticed any suspicious activity?
Need to investigate a mystery?
Have a clue to solve? A treasure to find? A secret room to explore?

Call the A to Z Detective Agency to do the work for you!
No mystery too small,
All you have to do is give us a call!

We’ll even let you in on a little secret:
We have a touch of enchanted luck on our side.

And if you’re not happy with our work,
We’ll even offer you your money back!

Call Ashwin Kamath at 02226666666

The A to Z Detective Agency by Ashwin and Zubeida,
Where every mystery comes to rest.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback

Parinita Shetty

Parinita Shetty buys more books than she should. She is considering building a spaceship made of books because her house has run out of shelf space. She accidentally wrote her first book called The Monster Hunters in 2013 and has written some more since. She is currently doing her PhD at the University of Leeds.

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