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Think Better Thoughts

Think Better Thoughts

100 Limiting Beliefs that Hinder Your Potential (and How to Eliminate Them); author of Dopamine Detox

Thibaut Meurisse
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Paperback / Hardback

Are you struggling with negative thoughts? Do you hold on to too many limiting beliefs? Do you feel like you’re capable of more?

If so, it’s time for you to replace disempowering beliefs with more empowering ones and improve your life in the process.

Author and coach Thibaut Meurisse wants you to think better, more empowering thoughts. In his latest book, you’ll learn about 100 negative assumptions that, often unconsciously, prevent you from designing a more fulfilling life.

He addresses questions such as why you often feel like you’re not good enough (and what to do about it); how your fear of missing out is working against you; why being hard on yourself doesn’t work (and what you should do instead), and much more.

Think Better Thoughts is a must-read guide to reprogramme your mind, have more empowering thoughts and make lasting changes in your life.

Imprint: Penguin Business

Published: May/2024

ISBN: 9780143465171

Length : 224 Pages

MRP : ₹250.00

Think Better Thoughts

100 Limiting Beliefs that Hinder Your Potential (and How to Eliminate Them); author of Dopamine Detox

Thibaut Meurisse

Are you struggling with negative thoughts? Do you hold on to too many limiting beliefs? Do you feel like you’re capable of more?

If so, it’s time for you to replace disempowering beliefs with more empowering ones and improve your life in the process.

Author and coach Thibaut Meurisse wants you to think better, more empowering thoughts. In his latest book, you’ll learn about 100 negative assumptions that, often unconsciously, prevent you from designing a more fulfilling life.

He addresses questions such as why you often feel like you’re not good enough (and what to do about it); how your fear of missing out is working against you; why being hard on yourself doesn’t work (and what you should do instead), and much more.

Think Better Thoughts is a must-read guide to reprogramme your mind, have more empowering thoughts and make lasting changes in your life.

Buying Options
Paperback / Hardback

Thibaut Meurisse

Thibaut Meurisse is the author of more than twenty books, including the #1 Amazon bestseller, Master Your Emotions, which has sold over 3,00,000 copies and has been translated into over twenty languages, including French, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese and Thai. Thibaut’s mission is to help ordinary people attain extraordinary results.

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