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Sharing Awkward Truths with Curious Kids

Reema Ahmad
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Paperback / Hardback

Through her own awkward journey as a confused single parent, Reema Ahmad explores what it means to explore newer ways of bringing up children-ways that nurture their sense of innocence and curiosity while giving them the freedom to choose their own truths. Reema invites you to hop along as she and her son, Imaad, learn to laugh and make up stories about why penises shape-shift, the mysteries of pubic hair, the magic of adolescent crushes and the confounding maze of dating and sex. Join them as they explore these mysteries and other serious topics like abuse, adult relationships, divorce and dying-issues that adults often forget to wonder at and seldom question.

More than anything else, Unparenting is a vibrant, whacky testimony to a parent-child relationship where the child leads and the parent follows. Written in the form of deeply personal, engaging and often humorous essays, the book is a powerful reminder of what it feels like to be lost and misunderstood as a child, and how important it is to challenge what we think we know as parents.

Imprint: Ebury Press

Published: Sep/2022

ISBN: 9780143447764

Length : 288 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00


Sharing Awkward Truths with Curious Kids

Reema Ahmad

Through her own awkward journey as a confused single parent, Reema Ahmad explores what it means to explore newer ways of bringing up children-ways that nurture their sense of innocence and curiosity while giving them the freedom to choose their own truths. Reema invites you to hop along as she and her son, Imaad, learn to laugh and make up stories about why penises shape-shift, the mysteries of pubic hair, the magic of adolescent crushes and the confounding maze of dating and sex. Join them as they explore these mysteries and other serious topics like abuse, adult relationships, divorce and dying-issues that adults often forget to wonder at and seldom question.

More than anything else, Unparenting is a vibrant, whacky testimony to a parent-child relationship where the child leads and the parent follows. Written in the form of deeply personal, engaging and often humorous essays, the book is a powerful reminder of what it feels like to be lost and misunderstood as a child, and how important it is to challenge what we think we know as parents.

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Paperback / Hardback

Reema Ahmad

Reema Ahmad is a neurolinguistic programming-based life coach. She is also a mental space psychologist and she works in the area of healing from trauma, abuse, violence and relationship issues.

Reema co-edited an anthology of women's work called Of Dry Tongues and Brave Hearts with Semeen Ali. It was published by Red River Press in 2022. She is a poet and has also written articles for online publications like Scroll, Vice, Daily O and Live Mint. She is also a two-time TEDx and Josh Talks speaker.

Reema began her career as a child sexual abuse awareness educator and went on to specialize as a sexuality educator. She then co-founded Candidly, a forum to explore issues of gender, sexuality and media with her longtime friend Amita Malhotra in 2017.
Reema graduated from Lady Sri Ram College, Delhi University. Her schooling and early years were spent in Agra where she now lives with her parents, her son, two dogs and three cats.

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