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Guru Gobind Singh
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When all has been tried, yet
Justice is not in sight,
It is then right to pick up the sword,
It is then right to fight.

Written in exquisite Persian verse, the Zafarnama was a defiant message composed by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru, and addressed to the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, following a series of fierce battles between the imperial forces and Sikh warriors. With wisdom and honesty, the Guru indicts the emperor for the moral and spiritual bankruptcy of his empire. These 111 stirring stanzas, which form the core of the Guru’s spiritual philosophy, highlight his deep understanding of the true nature of God and Creation.

In this evocative translation, Navtej Sarna brings to life the valiant voice of Guru Gobind Singh and the power of his poetic genius in a passionate disavowal of tyranny that remains ever relevant.

Imprint: India Penguin

Published: Mar/2011

ISBN: 9780143425557

Length : 152 Pages

MRP : ₹299.00


Guru Gobind Singh

When all has been tried, yet
Justice is not in sight,
It is then right to pick up the sword,
It is then right to fight.

Written in exquisite Persian verse, the Zafarnama was a defiant message composed by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru, and addressed to the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb, following a series of fierce battles between the imperial forces and Sikh warriors. With wisdom and honesty, the Guru indicts the emperor for the moral and spiritual bankruptcy of his empire. These 111 stirring stanzas, which form the core of the Guru’s spiritual philosophy, highlight his deep understanding of the true nature of God and Creation.

In this evocative translation, Navtej Sarna brings to life the valiant voice of Guru Gobind Singh and the power of his poetic genius in a passionate disavowal of tyranny that remains ever relevant.

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Paperback / Hardback


Navtej Sarna is the author most recently of the novel, Crimson Spring. His earlier books include the novels The Exile and We Weren't Lovers Like That; the short story collection Winter Evenings; works of non-fiction Second Thoughts, The Book of Nanak and Indians at Herod's Gate; and the translations Savage Harvest and Zafarnama. He is a prolific commentator on foreign policy and literary matters, contributing regularly to media platforms in India and abroad.

A professional diplomat for nearly four decades, Sarna was India's Ambassador to the United States, High Commissioner to the UK and Ambassador to Israel. He has also served as Secretary to the Government of India and as the Foreign Office Spokesperson. His earlier diplomatic assignments were in Moscow, Warsaw, Thimphu, Tehran, Geneva and Washington DC. More details at

Guru Gobind Singh

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