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Amar Mitra

Amar Mitra is a Bengali writer living in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Born on 30 August 1951, he was awarded with Sahitya Akademi award in 2006 for his novel Dhruboputra. He has received the Bankim Puroskar from Government of West Bengal for the novel Aswacharit in 2001, the Katha award (Delhi ) for the short story ‘Swadeshyatra’ in 1998, the Sharatchandra Award in 2018.

He participated in the First Forum of Asian Countries’ Writers in Nur Sultan city, Kazakhstan in September 2019, and presented the paper ‘Mythical Life’ at the inaugural session presided by President of Kazakhstan.

Books by the author

Dhanapatir Char

Dhanapatir Char

Amar Mitra
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