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Kamal Shah

Kamal has been on dialysis since July 1997. Diagnosed with atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome in July 1997, he was on haemodialysis for a year and a half before undergoing an unsuccessful renal transplant. His mother had donated her kidney. Kamal was then on peritoneal dialysis (PD) for six years. He was caught in the tsunami of December 2004 while holidaying in Mahabalipuram with some friends. A series of exit site, tunnel and peritoneal cavity infections later, he had to give up PD. Kamal then switched to daily nocturnal home haemodialysis. He is currently on this modality. Kamal did his chemical engineering at Osmania University. He developed software for Apple products for about ten years before co-founding NephroPlus. Kamal has a widely read blog about his journey with kidney disease:

Books by the author

Silver Lining

Silver Lining

Kamal Shah
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