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Miliind Harrdas

Miliind helps corporate clients with creative solutions and working professionals build successful careers that they love, using strategic creativity.

This book is an outcome of his twenty-four years of learning and experience in the field of creativity. From a newbie struggling for creative ideas to an idea person, who helps corporate clients with creative solutions, it had been a long journey for Miliind. His struggle with creative ideas started in 1997, after his elevation from a sales manager to marketing head. For him, becoming creative was a non-negotiable option. In his desperation, he read every book on the subject of creativity and innovation that he could lay his hands upon. Attended workshops and tried to apply every learning in his work. Slowly his brain started getting rewired and he started seeing the results.

Since then creativity is his main source of livelihood

Books by the author

Ideas on Demand

Ideas on Demand

Miliind Harrdas
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