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Nandana Dev Sen

Nandana Dev Sen is an award-winning actor, writer and child-rights activist. She has authored five children’s books, including Mambi and the Forest Fire and Talky Tumble of Jumble Farm. Nandana lives in Kolkata, London and New York, and has starred in over twenty feature films in all three continents. After studying literature at Harvard University and film-making at USC, she worked as a book editor, a screenwriter, a translator, a script doctor, an advocate for child protection and as Princess Jasmine in Disneyland. Nandana works with children (and grown-ups) at RAHI, Operation Smile and UNICEF to fight against child abuse. She has been quoted as saying that she loves to eat, play, bike, dance and argue.

Books by the author

In My Heart

In My Heart

Nandana Dev Sen
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