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Peter Hollins

Peter Hollins is a prolific bestselling author, recognized for his profound insights into human psychology and his unwavering dedication to understanding the intricacies of the human condition. Armed with a solid academic foundation, he holds a BS in psychology and a graduate degree, which has equipped him with the knowledge and tools to explore the depths of the human mind.
Peter’s passion for unraveling the complexities of human behavior has led him to work closely with numerous individuals from diverse backgrounds, enriching his understanding of the human experience. His research delves into the very essence of what makes us tick, offering readers invaluable insights into the inner workings of the mind.
When not immersed in his research and writing, Peter finds joy in the simple pleasures of life. He enjoys hiking with his family, savoring craft beers, and exploring his creative side through painting. Residing in Seattle, Washington, Peter continues to contribute valuable insights into the realms of psychology and self-improvement, leaving a lasting mark on our understanding of the human condition.

Books by the author

Mental Models

Mental Models

Peter Hollins
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