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Polie Sengupta

Poile Sengupta has written several books for children. Her published works include The Exquisite Balance, The way to my Friend’s House, Story of the Road, How the Path grew (CBT), Waterflowers ( Scholastic), Role Call and Roll Call Again(Rupa). Her stories have appeared in various anthologies like The Puffin Treasury of Modern Indian Stories, Sorry, Best Friend, One world ( Tulika), and The Best of Target. Her column, “Aletter to you, ran in Children’s World for nearly three decades. Polie is also a playwright. She has written several plays for adults, of which Manglam has been publishing by Seagull Books, Calcutta. She has also written one full – length musical and a number of short plays for children. She has been a teacher at school and college and is a well- know threatre person in Banglore, which is her home. Polie has recently moved to Delhi to be with her husband who is a senior civil servant.

Books by the author

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