Following the success of Reignited: Scientific Pathways to a Brighter Future, Srijan Pal Singh— CEO and Co-Founder of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Centre and former technology and policy advisor to Dr Kalam at the Indian Institute of Space Science and Techology— pens yet another significant book for students. Reignited 2: Emerging Technologies of Tomorrow bares all about some exciting and cutting-edge fields in sciences, such as automobiles; energy; astrobiology; environment and defense technologies; and a lot more!
Read on to if you want to know how to ignite a path in some of the most exciting and futuristic technologies out there!
What makes it Reignited?
The automobile sector is one of the most formidable sectors to have a career in with rapidly advancing requirements ranging from electric cars and self-driving, completely automated vehicles to 3-D printed automobiles that will allow you automatically print your selected car—exactly the way you want it!
“An expert in automobiles should definitely have excellent knowledge of the sciences, especially the physics of motion and friction. You need to go beyond textbooks and read articles on the Internet about the latest trends in cars, especially electrical engines and the computer programmes that enable cars to selfdrive. Several free car magazines are also available online, and you can find them in libraries too. With the need to constantly come up with newer, sleeker and aesthetically superior models, there is always room for product designers and artistic minds in the sector.”
What makes it Reignited?
With global warming on the rise and weather change very apparent, environmental scientists are crucial assets to any nation’s economy and growth. Your future job, as an environmental scientist, will not only involve protecting humans from climate change but also endeavoring to protect every one of these unique and vivid species that fill the spectrum of life.
“Environmental science offers you a wide array of fields to work in, such as global warming, pollution of air, water quality, soil quality. It is a diverse career; you can take up a specialized course for your bachelor’s degree itself or do a bachelor’s in physics, chemistry, geography, botany or engineering and then pursue a specialized master’s degree in environmental science. Also, keenly follow geography and read about issues related to the environment on the Internet and in libraries. Keep reading and learning, and perhaps you can be the one to shape the environment of other planets, where we may choose to live in the future.”
What makes it Reignited?
Nanotechnology is the science of working with matter that is in the range of 10-9 metres in dimension but with an even more exciting aspect. When certain materials are brought to nanoscale, they start to show new and unique properties. Nanotechnology can be our solution to almost every problem we face today, be it pollution, disease, superstrong structures and energy.
“Nanoscience has a wide career path as it touches on several different dimensions of application, such as medical science construction, the space sector, botany, agriculture, the environment, to name a few.. You must also keep following the experts in the area. A good expert in nanoscience is able to think laterally, see the problems around us and deploy their knowledge to solve it. The ideal way is that you first become an electrical engineer, textile engineer, automobile engineer, mechanical engineer or agriculture scientist, etc. and then start applying the principles of nano in your particular field.”
What makes it Reignited?
Agriculture may seem like a sleepy corner of the economy, but it’s actually very complex and sophisticated. You can make one of the greatest contributions to humankind if you revolutionize this field, because it touches everything.
“To become an agricultural scientist, you can pursue a variety of subjects. Of course, the easiest route is to study courses in agricultural science, which are available at the bachelor’s and master’s levels. Such courses often deal with geology, chemistry, food sciences and biosciences. You need to develop a keen understanding of biology, both botany and zoology. The knowledge of chemistry is also very important especially in producing fertilizers. Geography will give you the tools to study weather patterns, which is also an important factor in agriculture. Modern vertical farms also deploy an array of agricultural data scientists who have the knowledge of computers and mathematics.”
What makes it Reignited?
Weapons science is a truly global topic, and nearly all countries in the world now have a great demand for experts in this domain, given the tension among nations to become superpowers in the world, and due to the fight over resources. While the military handles the operation of weapons, a weapons engineer handles the thinking, planning and designing of these weapons.
“A master’s degree in security studies, armament engineering, microwave and radar engineering or engineering in combat vehicles will enhance your chances of securing a career in the field of weapons engineering. In addition to this education, you must possess the ability to think critically and have strong analytical skills to become a weapons scientist.”
What makes it Reignited?
Are we alone in the universe?
The branch of science that deals with life in the universe is called astrobiology. There will be two major quests for astrobiologists of the future: first, to continue the mission of searching for alien life, beyond Planet Earth; second, to discover and create extraterrestrial habitation for humankind and other life forms on new planets.
“This interdisciplinary field requires an understanding of life and the environment that supports it, as well as planetary and cosmic phenomena. It encompasses knowledge and technique from many fields, including physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, ecology, planetary science, geography, mechanics and geology. There is no specific, defined course for you to study to become an astrobiologist. However, you can enrol in massive open source online courses, or MOOCs, offered by several international universities to nurture your interests.”
What makes it Reignited?
Artificial intelligence is one of the frontier sectors of human advancement. Every major product and service today is now deploying AI to enhance its efficacy. This means an increased demand for experts who can design better, more robust and more effective artificial intelligence algorithms.
“Complicated computer software and programmes, automation and robotics characterize a career in AI. Since it is an emerging field, three things are key to becoming an expert in AI: curiosity, perseverance and continuously keeping yourself updated. An AI programmer needs to have problem-solving abilities, both creative and critical thinking, and a strong maths and computers background. You would need to complete your graduation in computer science or engineering (mechanical, electrical, robotic, computer) and then enrol in a master’s degree, offered by several universities abroad.”
What makes it Reignited?
As energy scientists of tomorrow, your goal will be to amplify clean power sources like solar and discover new sources of energy such as Nuclear power from thorium, antimatter energy or zero-point energy.
“First is the most obvious choice: pursuing engineering in electrical or similar fields. Such engineers work on improving modern energy sources, such as solar, wind, geothermal and nuclear power. The second approach towards a career in energy is the field of scientific research, primarily in the subject of physics, wherein one gets to deal with antimatter, zero-point energy and similar concepts. You need to keep yourself updated on the latest developments related to energy generation and storage methods.”
This must-have guidebook will provide budding scientists with a whole new world of ideas, inspiration and inputs from pioneers in fields that have shaped the world, helping them think out of the box and make a difference in the future!