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5 Books You Should Read This Spring

Spring is the best season of all. With the flora at full bloom, you just want to stop and admire the beautiful scenes. Not only does spring signify beauty but it also signifies transition. So, what better way to enjoy the season than reading outdoors while basking in the sunlight.
Here’s a list of 5 books you should read this spring:
Anne of Green Gables
Mathew and Mariila Cuthbert were expecting a boy to show up from the orphanage. Little did they know, they will have the dreamy, talkative Anne to take care of their Green Gables. The descriptions of sights of Avonlea and Green Gables are so vivid that it makes you fall in love with nature even more.
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Leaves of Grass
Strewn with vivid description of nature, Walt Whitman in this poetry collection professes his love for the universal elements, flora and the fauna. After reading the poems, we also cannot help but awe at the marvels of nature.
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This little girl was sent to live with her grandfather in the mountains. With each passing day, she grew to be fonder of the scenic beauty. But when she was sent to live in the city, even Clara’s friendship couldn’t make her miss the mountains any less. Honestly, even we wouldn’t have coped to live in the city after living amidst such beauty.
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Catcher in the Rye
The protagonist of this story is standing at the brink of adulthood and is yet apprehensive to make the transition. He wants to own a rye field at the edge of a cliff where thousands of children play. He would then catch them if they come close to falling from the cliff. He just wants to be a savior of innocence when he is in the process of losing his.
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The Room on the Roof
In a sleepy town of Dehradun, our boy Rusty flees from his house to live with his friends. Enamored by the beauty of his town, Indian customs, festivals and foods. He understands that his life will not be as hunky dory as he thought but he still does not give up on his pursuit of a happier life.
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Can you think of any more books that depict change and nature’s beauty with equal panache? Tell us.

A timeless love saga – Meghadutam by Kalidasa

Indian literature is an ocean replete with brilliant pearls. All it takes is a swim in its depths to explore the gifts that Indian writers have left for us. One such gift is Kalidasa’s Meghadutam – The Cloud Message.
Kalidasa explored new boundaries of literary stylistics – and his poem, Meghadutam stands true to his legacy.
It is perhaps the most translated text in all of Indian literature and can be found all over the world in different languages, formats and styles. A beautifully scripted poem, it chronicles the story of a banished yaksha who petitions a cloud to send a message to his distant lover. It’s a captivating story that transcends through ages and enthrals its readers.
Here we have picked some verses from Meghadutam’s latest translation by Srinivas Reddy.


Fascinating, isn’t it?
You can get your copy of Meghadutam here.


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