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Five audiobooks to listen to when anxiety strikes

Books and stories have long been responsible for lulling us to sleep after the sun sets, pulling us out of the bog of anxiety we house in our minds. They transport us, not just from our real-life settings to exciting fictional worlds, but often from a state of mind that is in complete disarray to one that is composed, ordered and well informed.

Insomnia is often the result of stress, and even our body’s immunity suffers the consequences of our mind. Knowing how to be poised and in control of a situation, despite the circumstances, is a strength we all need with the global situation post-2020. Since we are in a time when we have the shadow of a lockdown constantly looming over us, audiobooks and eBooks have become a welcome alternative to the old bookstore or delivery services that may be unavailable sometimes. Here’s a list of some of our finest self-help books available as audiobooks that will pacify panic and have a profound impact on the mind.


Life's Amazing Secret Audiobook

Read by the Gaur Gopal Das himself in the form of a conversation between him and his affluent friend Harry, this book answers the fundamental questions about life’s purpose in the form of a light-hearted, thought-provoking easy read.

Whether you seek lasting happiness, strengthened relationships, your true potential, to do well at work, or even what you can give back to the world, Gaur Gopal Das’ Life’s Amazing Secrets will speak to you and guide you on your journey with its precious insights on these areas of life.




Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi, born into a prominent Hindu Brahmin family, was only six years old when he began having visions of a mysterious mountain peak, and of men with shaved heads wearing robes the colour of sunset. At the age of ten, he ran away from boarding school and set out to find the place of his dreams. What was stranger than the visions was the fact that at the end of his journey, he mystically did find himself in that very place.

When his parents found him and brought him home, he continued to feel a strong pull towards spiritual life. This audiobook has been read by the Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi himself and is a profound account of his lifelong journey as a seeker of enlightenment. Running Toward Mystery explores the vital importance of mentors in that search and the experience of meeting exceptional teachers like Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Mother Teresa along the way.


The idea behind laughter yoga is simple yet profound. A practice involving prolonged voluntary laughter is based on scientific studies that have concluded that such laughter offers the same physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter. These benefits are delved in depth in Laughter Yoga, a book based on this new trend that has gained a lot of popularity worldwide.

This comprehensive book by the founder of the laughter yoga club movement, Dr Madan Kataria, tells you what laughter yoga is, how it works, what its benefits are and how you can apply it to everyday life.




In today’s challenging and busy world, don’t you wish you knew how to quieten your mind and focus on yourself? In On Meditation, renowned spiritual leader, Sri M, answers all your questions on the practice and benefits of meditation. With his knowledge of all the various schools of practice and the ancient texts, he breaks down the complicated practice into a simple and easy method that any working man or woman, young or old, can practise in their everyday lives.






Celebrating Life is an honest expedition into a realm that teaches you how you can be a master of your circumstances and make your life a celebration. If there is a guide to finding happiness, it is this!

The universe has bestowed limitless powers and infinite siddhis upon the human consciousness. Along with being effective and successful in the personal and professional spheres, the purpose of human life is also to ensure the complete blossoming of the individual consciousness. In Celebrating Life, Rishi Nityapragya shares the secrets that can help you explore your infinite potential. He offers an in-depth understanding of how to identify and be free from negative emotions and harmful tendencies, and how to learn to invoke life’s beautiful flavours-like enthusiasm, love, compassion and truth-whenever and wherever you want.

The secrets of navigating through life from Gaur Gopal Das

Gaur Gopal Das is one of the most popular and sought-after monks and life coaches in the world, having shared his wisdom with millions. His debut book, Life’s Amazing Secrets, distills his experiences and lessons about life into a light-hearted, thought-provoking book that will help you align yourself with the life you want to live.
Read along to know some important lessons from the book.

More to reality than meets the eye

‘We tend to take everyone at face value, equating what they have on the outside to how they feel on the inside. The paradox of our times is that those who have the most, can often be the least satisfied.We have mastered how to look successful, but not how to organize our lives so that we feel successful.’


Front Cover of Life's Amazing Secrets
Life’s Amazing Secrets || Gaur Gopal Das
Patience develops gradually

‘We all boil at different degrees. Some of us have temperaments like the Indian summer- hot,sticky and easily irritable. Yet, some can remain level-headed in the worst of calamities, and as a monk, I was taught to control my emotions. So, naturally, I assumed that I was the latter level-headed category. That was until the day I realized I wasn’t there yet.’


Check your thoughts

‘The mind is like the tongue. It drifts towards the negative areas of our life, making us restless and uneasy. It schemes to uproot the problems that are causing us so much pain, not realizing that the persistent scheming is causing us more emotional damage.’

Embrace gratitude as a way of life

‘Gratitude is not a feeling; it is a state of mind that can be developed, and it allows us to tap into a reservoir of unlimited positive energy.Being grateful happens in two steps. The first is to realize that there is good in the world and that good has fallen upon us. The second is to know that goodness is coming from something other than us, an external reality is giving the gifts of grace to our very own reality.’

Detachment dissolves anxiety

‘When we have a problem beyond our control, we have to turn to our spiritual strength and ask, ‘Why Worry?’ Whether or not we can do something about it, our response should not be anxiety. Learning to detach ourselves from situations that are outside our control is an imperative skill to learn for personal growth.’

Meditate to ease away stress

‘Out of the many types of meditation, I practise mantra meditation. This means I spend some time daily focusing my mind on sacred sounds, chanting the name of God, by which we can free ourselves of anxiety.’

Practice forgiveness over animosity

‘Forgiveness warms the heart and cools the sting. It is a choice that each of us has to make for ourselves to save our relationships and achieve peace of mind.’

Competition is a dangerous game

‘People with a closed mindset want to grow by beating others in their field. Open-minded people, on the other hand, grow by developing themselves. They know that nobody is their competition.They are their own competition.’

Spirituality and ambition are not mutually exclusive

‘I strongly encourage people to be successful in the world. If you have the desire to have a luxurious life, have exotic holidays; there is nothing wrong with that. If by blessings of God we have the ambition and the capacity to achieve more, we must fulfill our potential, not suppress it by force.’

Be selfless yet draw boundaries

‘I do believe it is possible to be completely selfless, but it is a journey, a process , not a single event. It takes wisdom to know when we are being selfless and when we are simply causing harm to ourselves by being over caring.’

Service to humanity brings ultimate joy

‘When we practise spirituality, we become like divers: we submerge ourselves underneath the turbulent waves to find a pleasure much deeper, beyond hedonistic ideals. That profound joy is only possible when one feels love to serve others.’

In today’s fast paced and hectic life, sometimes we do need a life coach, a mentor to help us be centered and balanced in life. Read Life’s Amazing Secrets by Gaur Gopal Das and find out how some basic principles like compassion, honesty and forgiveness can bring so much joy in our and our loved ones’ lives.

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