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Building a Happy Family – An Interview with Raageshwari Loomba Swaroop

You can’t have a happy family unless you’re happy yourself. Raageshwari Loomba, an award-winning speaker on mindfulness, shows us how to create an excellent atmosphere for the entire family to thrive in. Her relatable style is coupled with real-life examples, such as that of Albert Einstein, who couldn’t speak till the age of four and was a poor student. His parents encouraged him with love and allowed him to learn at his own pace. This, she shows, is the way to bring up your own little genius.
Building a Happy Family brings to you 11 simple mindfulness philosophies that will enrich and strengthen your and your children’s inner world. Through scientific research and her own intimate story of heartbreak and facial paralysis, Raageshwari emphasises how our thoughts can manifest further struggles or glory, and how teaching children early that our inner world attracts our outer world is key. Parents are taught to encourage their children’s original expressions, creativity and joy, and not lose sight of it in their own lives too. This is the secret to a happy family.


Read below an interview with the author:


Please tell us about a piece of advice that you got from your mother and still hold on to.

As a child, I remember standing in the kitchen beside my beloved Mom Veera, watching her cook. She would return from office and whip up a delicious tadka dal. She always said and repeats even today “Be grateful you have food that you can eat. Be grateful that you have a family to share it with”. As a child, it translated in my mind to the idea that women must cook. But today, I know the deeper significance it has is to create the true essence of a family. It’s all about gratitude, simplicity and togetherness. 


You mention in the book that parenting is about raising the parent and not the child. Would you like to tell us about how you came to a realization this profound?

Even as a child, I would spend time with children younger than me. In school, my friends would be looking for me but I would be helping the teachers in the kindergarten section. I have always loved  spending time with toddlers. Where others see tantrums, I see wisdom. I like that toddlers are mindful, easy-going, loving, forgiving and filled with unique insights. They hold no grudges from the past and have no anxiety about the future. The way they learn to walk is a treat to watch. They have single-minded focus. They fall many times but they stand up and try again. And it’s not out of a sense of competition. They are not looking over their shoulders to see if other toddlers have started to walk first. They simply excel in completing the tasks that matter to them. They walk up to strangers and cuddle and bond, not affected by any culture, status or moral ground. They relish these moments and enjoy them to the fullest. What a marvellous attribute of Mindfulness they have. What a pity we parents make them lose it. However, we are well-meaning parents, and once had these very qualities too. So it makes me wonder why many of us don’t see that we can learn about life from these ‘little masters’!


With parents in metropolitan cities working longer hours, children have less access and time to spend with their parents. Any tips on how families can consciously work on this?

Parents who work don’t have any lesser of a bond with their children than the parents who are home with their children all day. The secret lies in connecting with your child and their deep interests. A study by the University of Toronto published in the Journal of Marriage and Family in 2015 said that the average number of hours that parents spend with their children has only grown over the years, contrary to what parents may feel or believe. It has grown from 7.3 hours in 1975 to 13.7 hours in 2010, even as the share of mothers working outside the home rose from 41% in 1965 to 71% in 2014. For fathers, the number rose from 2.4 hours in 1975 to 7.2 hours in 2010. Yet, we parents think we are not doing enough and end up feeling guilty and at fault. So the answer lies in quality time. It is not at all important to always hover around your children to build a bond with them. In fact, step back, and try to enjoy just a 15-minute play date filled with presence, no agenda and complete trust. The idea is to be fully present and give them your complete attention whenever you are with them.


You emphasize on reading as a habit. Which were your favourite books growing up?

Little Snow Girl, Cinderella and Ramayana immediately bring back memories of my childhood. I actually think Cinderella is a masterpiece if explained to a child well. I had little focus on the Prince. For me, the moral of the story was loud and clear—if you are kind, miracles will surround you.


What is the best time for kids to use affirmations during the day? How can a parent choose the right one?

The morning time as they wake up is the best for affirmations, because a good night’s sleep is a mental cleanser. As we wake up, we are naturally in a meditative state. So it is best to stand in front of the mirror or affirm in bed itself to cement your cleansed mind with these beliefs. Choose affirmations according to an attribute you wish to invite into your life. Observe that most probably the child will mirror qualities that you possess or struggle to have yourself.  For example, if your child is shy, but wishes to be an extrovert, let them affirm something like, ‘I love my ideas, and I happily share them with the world’. If your child is struggling to focus on books, they can affirm, ‘I enjoy observing the shape of numbers and letters in books.’ If the child is older the affirmation could be, ‘Books are my doorway to great ideas. I’m falling in love with books on a daily basis.’ If your child stammers (first observe if the home has caustic fights, or if the child or either parent is reprimanded constantly to ‘shut up’ or ‘be quiet’) the affirmation could be, ‘I love the sound of my own voice. The world loves the sound of my own voice. I speak clearly just like a king/queen. 


Raising kids in a competitive world can bring out parents’ insecurities at times. Any suggestions on dealing with those?

This book is not about training your child to be the best. This book is about making YOU realise that you already have the best child. The Mindfulness journey can only begin from this thought.  Observe ‘successful adults ’ (according to your definition )  Do they look happy? The highest number of mental health tragedies are linked to the so-called ‘high achievers’. Our definitions of success and accomplishments will have to change. Most of us adults walk around directionless, and with that empty soul we decide to guide our children. We will have to first nurture our inner child and tell ourselves ‘we are perfect the way we are’. And we will have to allow our children to follow their bliss. We as a community of families, schools and colleges will have to collectively re-define success and accomplishments so our children can truly thrive. We will have to focus on building their inner world first. It is important to make them believe that they are perfect the way they are, and that a parents’ love is not conditional at any cost. We adults will have to first believe ourselves that happiness is not a moving target; happiness is right here, right now.


Looking after yourself before others is necessary for an emotionally healthy life and also very tricky when you’re teaching your kids. Any tips for parents on this?

In my book, I feel the most important chapter is one called ‘Oxygen mask theory’. When you are energized with oxygen first, you will be more alert and able to attend to your child and navigate a crisis situation far better. Parenting too needs an oxygen mask theory. Your needs are like oxygen. Parents must learn to attend to their own needs first, so they can enjoy parenting, not have outbursts and handle decisions with balance. Another important reason why you must value your needs is that it sends an important message to your child. I talk about childhood patterns in the book, so if you want your child to grow up as someone who nurtures himself/herself, then there is no better person than you to show this to your child!


 If you could go back to your 20-year-old self and give her a piece of advice, what would that be?

Forgive and let go of the past, don’t worry about the future. Just enjoy this beautiful moment called NOW!


 On the occasion of Mother’s Day, is there a message you’d like to share with all the wonderful mothers out there?

First I want to make a space for women who may be struggling to become mothers biologically. I always think of you on every Mother’s Day. I want you to remember this—we women are born mothers. There is something deeply spiritual how daughters nurture their parents from the moment they are born. So you were, are and always will be a mother.

Happy Mother’s Day! Now I would like to wish the rest of us who have been lucky to have been blessed with a child. Remember that you have a child, which is a blessing.  On Mother’s Day, I would like to all  of us to remember that we are the only ones who can understand each other’s pain, shortcomings, guilt and turmoil like no one else can. Hence, we must be the last ones to cause pain to each other’s soul.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Get your copy of Building a Happy Family here 🙂

What Does Motherhood Mean?

As much as we celebrate motherhood and mothers, the diversity of experiences of mothers as individuals are rarely talked about.

As with everything else, literature gives us an expansive space to explore different facets of motherhood, and the nuances of women’s experiences as mothers. On Mother’s Day, we are looking at some powerful narratives that celebrated mothers as more than mothers – as women, as individuals, and as humans.



What is it like to be a mother in India?

Pooja Pande peels off the layers of social propriety to delve deep into the visceral reality of motherhood, much glorified but barely understood in India. Exploring the spectrum of experiences mothers have as women, as humans-from ecstasy to depression, jealous possessiveness to indifference, exhaustion to sensual desire-she reveals the personal, social and emotional roller-coaster motherhood can be.


Sarojini’s Mother

Is motherhood a purely biological concept?

Sarojini-Saz-Campbell comes to India to search for her biological mother. Adopted and taken to England at an early age, she has a degree from Cambridge and a mathematician’s brain adept in solving puzzles. Her story is a poignant exploration of motherhood as an emotional concept over a biological one; especially through Sarojini’s powerful connection with her adoptive mother Lucy, whose loss is what gets her to look for her ‘real’ mother in an attempt to find purpose in her life.


A Good Wife: Escaping the Life I Never Chose

This memoir does away with all conventional preconceptions to explore a personal experience of enforced wifehood and motherhood. Within this, we also find an overarching female experience through the mother-daughter bond.

Married off at fifteen, Samra Zafar suffered her husband’s emotional and physical abuse that left her feeling isolated, humiliated and assaulted. Desperate to get out, and refusing to give up, she hatched an escape plan for herself and her two daughters.

My Mother is in the Air Force

Another way of breaking barriers is putting a spin to the “superhero” trope for the mums!

Rohan thinks his mom is a bit like a superhero-she flies in to save the day, she loops and swoops between the clouds, she even jumps off planes wearing parachutes! Told from the son’s perspective, this story is unconventional and heartwarming in its depiction of a modern mother working for the air force, and how that informs her child’s perspective of her; an especially important story when the concept of a ‘working mother’ is still so nebulous in the Indian society.

Millionaire Housewives

Millionaire Housewives tells the stories of twelve enterprising homemakers who, in spite of having no prior experience in business, managed to build successful empires through the single-minded pursuit of their goal, defying all stereotypes.

This title features on our list because of the real, personal stories it tells of entrepreneurship and innovation in a society where ‘homemakers’ are often unacknowledged and unseen in their contributions.

Motherhood is a layered concept – like any other human experience. These stories are just some examples wherein writers explore the unseen and unspoken emotions of mothers and women. Which stories about mothers have stayed with you? Share with us in the comments below!

7 Things to Add in Your Beauty Regime to Stay in Your A-Game

Roots to Radiance by Nikita Upadhyay is an anthology of wholesome beauty solutions for everyone. It is a self-care Bible to good skin, hair, teeth, nails and most importantly good health. With numerous hacks to enhance one’s system inside and out, the book talks about a mix of traditional Indian recipes and home remedies. These tips and hacks will leave you with a radiant skin and a healthier lifestyle.

Here we give you a few tricks to keep up your A-game:

Mix the coffee grounds with coconut oil and gently massage your body to exfoliate dead skin and get smoother body texture. The coarseness of coffee grounds helps exfoliate and polish your body.

Sapodilla, also known as chikoo, is such a humble fruit! It tastes yummy, but your face will love it too. Peel the chikoo and take the seeds out, crush the fruit and apply to your face to scrub and mask at the same time. This is quite a multitasker.

If your face gets dehydrated quickly after you leave your house, pour some distilled water in a spray bottle and add rose petals (desi gulab) to it and carry it in your bag. Spray on your face every once in a while to hydrate your skin on the fly and on the go instantly.

Apply kiwi peel to your face to cleanse and keep acne at bay. Kiwi is rich in Vitamin C and is great for rejuvenating the skin and keeping excess oil out of the picture.

Just apply mashed avocado on your face and hydrate, reduce pigmentation, reduce puffiness around eyes and get even skin tone by doing this twice or thrice a week.

Add cucumber slices, lemon juice and mint leaves to water and drink it every morning to detox and get clearer skin.

Mix water and apple cider vinegar in a 1:1 ratio to come up with the easiest solution that’ll tone your skin in no time. Using this in the morning and at night before sleeping will energize your skin.

Discover more such secrets in Nikita Upadhyay’s Roots to Radiance

5 Things You can do to Heal from Stress and Prevent it

99 Not Out! by Sujata Kelkar Shetty PhD., is a beautifully researched guide to a happy and healthy existence. The book shares several principles that govern the health of our mind, body and spirit in an easily understandable yet interesting manner. 99 Not Out! shares how the readers can strengthen their mind, body and spirit so that they live the best version of their lives. Sujata Kelkar Shetty also explains exactly how long-term stress harms the mind body and spirit and what we can do to heal from its onslaught and prevent it in the first place.

The book shares behavioural practices from western medicine and Ayurveda that can slow down the ageing process while preventing illness, making it a truly wholesome read.

These five tips on how you can heal from stress and prevent it in the first place:


Your mindset matters

Cultivate a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. A growth mindset is one where you believe that you can learn from your mistakes and grow to become a better version of yourself in any field that you choose to. Because a growth mindset keeps the focus on process rather than product and because the mindset means internalizing the belief that you can improve and get better there is little stress. A fixed mindset on the other hand, because it means believing that our capabilities are fixed and unchangeable can cause a great deal of stress whenever the person is tested in anyway because you believe that you can’t learn from your mistakes. A fixed mindset puts a lot of pressure on us. On the other hand if we cultivate a growth mindset we are empowered to make changes in our life whether at work, at play and in our health behaviours so that we do what is best for us without getting stressed about it.


Become self-compassionate

Self-compassion includes the following three abilities, first being as kind to oneself as we would to our best friend. The second is cultivating mindfulness so that we are aware of what is going in and around us. And the third is knowing that we are all part of a universal human condition and we all have our triumphs and our tragedies. Cultivating self-compassion allows us to have calmer state of mind in the face of life events. Thus helping to reduce a our day-to-day anxiety level as well.


Laugh more

Laughter decreases the level salivary cortisol, a physiological and measurable marker of stress experienced in our bodies. Stress also impacts the memory, and cause memory loss in many cases. Therefore, it has been proved that laughter improves one’s memory. And laughter increases the level of endorphins in our blood stream making us feel better about everything. Laughter is indeed the best medicine!


Cultivate altruism

Being altruistic or helping others without expecting anything in return helps us forget our troubles and reduces our stress. It strengthens our mental and physical health thereby shielding us from the debilitating effects of stress in our lives. When we help others and project kindness towards them, it heightens our engagement with other people and makes us more social which is stress relieving too.


Be more positive

Cultivating positive emotions like joy and kindness helps us handle stressful life events better. When our mood lifts we no longer have a tunnel vision, our perspective broadens and we are able to see that there are choices in our life, we are not as disempowered as we think we are. We brood less on what is wrong and become more focused on what is possible.

Get your copy of 99 Not Out – Your Guide to a long and healthy life!

The Magic Weight Loss Pill – Here’s all you Need to Know About it

The Magic Weight Loss Pill by Luke Coutinho and Anushka Shetty, is an exceptional guide to one’s healthier self. Talking about the reasons and ways to combat various diseases like diabetes, kidney and liver stones and the problem of excess weight, co-author Luke Coutinho states the advantages of maintaining a simple and healthy lifestyle. With the magic pill of a changed lifestyle, the authors give an easy hack to the secret of remaining fit, mentally and physically.

With sixty-two easy fixes to a happier and healthier body and life, the book makes for a great and an informative read. Here we tell you the wisdom of the magic weight loss pill as shared by Luke Coutinho:


Calorie-restriction diets are not as successful as they are made out to be. In most of these diets, there is too much emphasis on the intake and usage of calories without the knowledge of whether a person has the ability to burn fat or not. A smart food diet with a balanced nutritional value is thus, of utmost importance.
Going back to one’s staple food is a great way to keep a balance of nutrients in the body. Especially including Indian staple foods have been proven to be better than the junk food endorsed these days. For example, pure jaggery is a healthier substitute to white sugar.
Refrain from having fruit juice, as they lack most of the fruit’s fibre and nutrients. This further leads to heightened blood-sugar levels. A wiser option would be to have your fruits whole, and chew them well. The natural sweetness of fruits reduces the craving for other sweet foods too.
Before getting yourself into fancier and more extravagant fitness programs, try doing basic exercises like – squats, lunges, full unsupported push-ups, plank, 5 km walk or 4 km run, pull-ups, jumping jacks. These exercises use all the vital muscles of the body that are required for everyday movement, posture, and body alignment.
Sleep and the quality of one’s sleep is another reason which facilitates the burning of belly fat and losing weight. Getting the right amount of sleep is thus, quite significant.
Bottling of one’s emotions and stress (mental and physical) directly affects the immunity of the body. Emotional detoxification is hence, vital in order to lose weight. This helps people to not compare their bodies with others and become more gentle with their self-imposed stress of becoming fit in a certain amount of time or like someone else.

The Magic Weight Loss Pill by Luke Coutinho and Anushka Shetty is filled with sixty-two astonishingly easy and extremely practicable changes that will have you feeling healthier and happier!


Five ways everyday fruits and vegetables come to your rescue!

There is no magic pill, diet, exercise programme or mantra that can help you lose weight or prevent or heal a disease. The magic pill is a lifestyle.

In The Magic Weight Loss Pill, the authors, Luke Coutinho and Anushka Shetty have tried to bring you the best lifestyle changes that have helped thousands of people across the globe to lose weight and keep it off and prevent and heal disease. Luke’s expertise in the field of lifestyle and integrative medicine and Anushka’s real-life experience of using lifestyle to lose weight and maintain the fitness levels required of an actor will be applied in this book to help people lose weight and gain health!

Here are some essential fruits and vegetables that you must include in your diet!


  • The great Indian diet naturally has enough food that is anti-inflammatory foods, such as turmeric,  cinnamon, garlic, onions and cooked tomatoes. So make sure you include all of these in your diet in sufficient quantities. All fruits and vegetables are also anti-inflammatory.


  • Raw foods are best absorbed on an empty stomach as they require digestive enzymes different from those for cooked food to be broken down into nutrients, sugar and fibre. Absorption is highest when fruits and raw vegetables are eaten on an empty stomach.


  • One of the main reasons people accumulate abdominal fat is because alcohol depletes choline, a fat blasting B vitamin that acts directly on the genes that cause fat storage in the abdomen. Bananas are rich in choline and help the body replace it.


  • Excess uric acid is not a good sign because it is biofeedback from your body that your kidneys aren’t working properly. Raw potato juice has the ability to break down and flush out uric acid from your body. So if you suffer from this condition, drink one glass of this juice in the morning and one at night.


  • Certain fruits like pineapple are rich in an enzyme called bromelain. Bromelain is an important enzyme when it comes to keeping your body alkaline and reducing inflammation even in the most chronic cases of rheumatoid osteoarthritis.

Get your copy of The Magic Weight Loss Pill today!

Sip your Way towards Good Health! A Special Tea from ‘The Magic Weight Loss Pill’

What’s the one remedy common to controlling diabetes, hyperthyroidism, kidney and liver stones and excess weight? Lifestyle. Luke Coutinho, co-author of The Great Indian Diet, shows us that nothing parallels the power and impact that simple sustained lifestyle changes can have on a person who’s struggling to lose excess weight or suffering from a chronic disease.

The first part of the book concentrates on the reason we get such diseases in the first place, while the second is filled with sixty-two astonishingly easy and extremely practicable changes that will have you feeling healthier and happier and achieving all your health goals without the rigour and hard work of a hardcore diet or fitness regime.

Here’s a simple recipe from the book to aid your weight loss!


The Magic Weight-Loss Tea

Add this magic tea to your daily regime and lifestyle. You can use a base of black or green tea, or just makean infusion with water and the following ingredients:

™™ 1 square-inch piece of fresh ginger root
™™ Squeeze of a lemon
™™ 2 cups of water
™™ 2–3 peppercorns
™™ 1 cinnamon stick
™™ 2 cardamom pods, crushed
™™ 2 cloves

Boil, simmer, reduce to half, strain and serve hot with or without pure honey.

This amazing potion is detoxifying and highly anti inflammatory, and has the power to rapidly decrease Candida and yeast infections that inhibit weight loss. Ginger is essential to this magic tea recipe due to its amazing benefits. It helps in boosting immunity and cellular health, controlling high blood pressure, lowering cholesterol and stimulating blood rush to sex organs. It also prevents and treats the flu, digestive issues, menstrual pain, PMS, cancer (by building immunity and cellular health), arthritis, joint/ bone pain and ageing.

Get a kickstart to reaching your fit self with Luke Coutinho and Anushka Shetty’s The Magic Weight Loss Pill

Bite-sized wisdom from Sadhguru

A motley bouquet, the articles that comprise Flowers on the Path offer insights from Sadhguru that spark you with their incisive clarity, delight you with humour, or even render you in profound stillness within.

Whether the subject covers social issues and worldly affairs, individual challenges, or dimensions of the beyond, Sadhguru’s ability to delve to the root and look at life in all its totality is evident.


Health Is Wholeness


Life Afresh With Children


 Rising Beyond Religion


Mind: The Dumping Ground


Dynamic Stillness, Static Stagnation


The Snakes and Ladders of Comfort


Spiritual Allergy


Choosing Your Destiny


What We Are Not

Front cover of Flowers on the Path
Flowers on the Path || Sadhguru

As a flower can confound you with its brilliance and beauty, so too does each article in Flowers On The Path  hold the possibility to confuse you out of your conclusions, and pave the way towards true knowing.










Tips to Not Lose your Mind over your Weight

There is no such thing as going ‘on’ or ‘off’ your diet. Eating correctly has to be a lifelong commitment, and the diet should be a reflection of this. This automatically rules out any extreme diet or crash diets which require you to go ‘off’ them.

Don’t Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight has revolutionized the way Indians think about food and their eating habits. The author, Rujuta Diwekar is one of the country’s best nutritionists, with deep roots in yoga and Ayurveda.

Here are some things to remember from the book to not lose your mind over your weight

Extreme diets don’t work

Most diets are impossible to keep at because they always advocate something extreme. Besides being difficult to maintain, they’re harmful for you physically and mentally.

Any programme/plan which discourages you from exercising is worthless

Being on a diet might help you lose weight, but without exercise we lose our muscles and bone density. And loss of bone density and muscle is ageing. The human body is designed for continuous activity. The least we can do is give it 30 to 45 minutes of exercise for 3 days in a week to keep it in good shape and condition.

Low fat and sugar free options are not healthy

So should you not eat them at all? Of course you can eat them, but eat them knowing that they are just as harmful as the full fat, full sugar, fried items. Sometimes even more.

Having fruit as dessert isn’t the wisest idea

A few years ago, it was discovered that fructose (the sugar we get from fruits) gets converted to triglycerides (especially when eaten on a full stomach), a type of fat which circulates in our blood stream. High levels of triglycerides are responsible for heart disease, insulin insensitivity and of course lead to bigger fat cells.

Eat your fruit, but don’t think that it’s safer than eating a dessert. Its nutrients only work for us if we eat if as a meal by itself.

Be attentive while you eat

The key to staying within your threshold of how much your body can digest is to be attentive while you eat. Savour every bit of what you eat, slowly and mindfully, and you will naturally find your threshold. All you need to train yourself to do, is to be attentive to your stomach.

For more tips and lessons, grab your copy of Don’t Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight by Rujuta Diwekar



Reader to Yogi: 14 Books That Will Help You Welcome Yoga In Your Life

Self-care is the new mantra of 2018 because you can’t feel healthy and happy without some quality time with yourself. While everyone’s self care differs, we recommend adding yoga into your self care routine because of a plethora of benefits and enriching qualities. For instance, Yoga is an ideal workout for anyone because it’s quiet, meditative and requires very little interaction with other humans. And if practised sincerely and regularly, yoga can cure anything from anxiety to back pain.
So if you are a beginner or an expert, commit yourself to regular yoga this yoga day and let these informative books about yoga and natural healing be your guide.

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra by Shyam Ranganathan

Patañjali’s Yoga Sutra (second century CE) is the basic text of one of the nine canonical schools of Indian philosophy. In it the legendary author lays down the blueprint for success in yoga; now practised the world over. Patañjali draws upon many ideas of his time; and the result is a unique work of Indian moral philosophy that has been the foundational text for the practice of yoga since. The Yoga Sutra sets out a sophisticated theory of moral psychology and perhaps the oldest theory of psychoanalysis.

Laughter Yoga by Madan Kataria 

Laughter yoga is a revolutionary idea: simple and profound. A practice involving prolonged voluntary laughter, it is based on scientific studies that have concluded that such laughter offers the same physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter. This comprehensive book by the founder of the laughter yoga club movement, Dr Madan Kataria, tells you what laughter yoga is, how it works, what its benefits are and how you can apply it to everyday life.

Hair Yoga : Caring for your hair the right way by Jawed Habib 

There are two things that are common to most people: we all want gorgeous hair and we all have at least one hair issue. From styling celebrities to running one of the most popular salon chains in India, Jawed Habib is undoubtedly someone you can trust with your hair. In Hair Yoga, Jawed takes you back to the basics of hair care and tackles all of your hair troubles. Packed with tips and remedies, this is the ultimate book to take hair health into your hands so that you have a good hair day, everyday.

The Essence of Yoga by Osho 

In this book Osho explains how, through yoga, one can attain the grace of the body and of God. He talks about crucial concerns of love, marriage, faith and contentment. It is a perfect blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary knowledge.

Textbook of Yoga by Yogeswar

In the past few years, the popularity of yoga as the ultimate key to fitness, both physical and mental, has resulted in a plethora of books, videos and audio tapes designed to guide a learner through the various asanas prescribed by the Yogasutra. The Textbook of Yoga goes one step further: it is the one book that tells you not merely how to practise an asana the right way, to maximum effect, but also explains how best to share your knowledge and teach others the theory and practice of yoga. It is like a textbook in its approach: lesson by lesson, you are introduced first to the basics and then to the more advanced levels of practice. Alongside the text, the illustrations allow you to understand exactly how the body should be moved and positioned without fear of error or injury.

Own the Bump by Payal Gidwani Tiwari 

Motherhood is a life-changing event in a woman’s life. Keeping in mind the fast-paced lives of nuclear families and sometimes unhealthy lifestyles, Bollywood’s most celebrated yoga expert, Payal Gidwani Tiwari, brings to fore the importance of preparing the body and soul for such a change. From pre-pregnancy to post-natal, Gidwani utilizes her age-old knowledge of yoga and provides essential advice to take care of oneself before, during and after the birth.

Body Goddess: The Complete Guide on Yoga for Women by Payal Gidwani Tiwari

Bollywood’s most celebrated yoga expert, Payal Gidwani Tiwari comes to your rescue. From the basics of yoga to their practical application in our day to day life–Payal’s essential mantras guarantee not just weight loss but also promise a healthier lifestyle. Designed for all age groups, this book comes enriched with easy to follow exercise regimes and invaluable tips. Body Goddess is indispensable for every woman who wants to look and feel like a diva.

Book of Woman by Osho

Osho talks about various issues like motherhood, relationships, family and birth control. Questioning the concept of marriage, he says it is the ‘ugliest institution invented by man’ as its aim is to monopolize a woman. He is equally critical of the institution of family which ‘corrupts the human mind’. A woman, he says, should not imitate man.

Book of Man by Osho 

Osho perceives man as becoming increasingly alienated from his inner self, gradually losing his natural innocence and creativity in the mindless quest for worldly power and success. For Osho, the ideal man is Zorba, the Buddha—a perfect blend of matter and soul. This seamless collection of discourses takes the reader through the various stages of man’s evolution: from Adam to Slave, Son, Homosexual, Priest and Politician, until he attains the pinnacle of his consciousness as the Rebel or Zorba.
 Ayurveda : Life; Health and Longevity by Robert E Svoboda
Developed from the Vedas, India’s ancient books of wisdom, Ayurveda combines physical, psychological and spiritual therapies in an approach to health that is as relevant to the modern world as it was to the ancient world.  Utilizing herbs and minerals, proper nutrition and purification and, above all, affirmative ways of living, Ayurveda treats not just the ailment but the whole person and emphasises prevention of disease to avoid the need for cure.

Everyday Ayurveda by Bhaswati Bhattacharya

Time is scarce and precious in today’s world and we seek solutions that are quick. While allopathic medicine tends to focus on the management of disease, the ancient study of Ayurveda provides us with holistic knowledge for preventing disease and eliminating its root cause. Dr Bhaswati Bhattacharya takes you through a day in the life of Ayurvedic living.

From XL to XS: A fitness guru’s guide to changing your body by Payal Gidwani Tiwari 

Can you change the shape of your body? Yes, you can. Payal Gidwani Tiwari, Bollywood’s most celebrated yoga expert, tells you how to go From XL to XS. With simple and easy to follow principles and exercise routines, learn how to lose (or gain) weight, stay fit, and transform your body structure
Yoga : The Supreme Science by Osho
Drawing on the teachings of Patanjali, Osho gives an entirely new perspective on the fundamental questions of life, the nature of heaven, religion and God. For Osho it is not a question of being ‘good’ or ‘bad’, or of a God in the sky, but of each individual becoming aware of his being and attaining kaivalya— the ultimate state of enlightenment when the meditator goes beyond all desire. This process draws on the inner science of yoga.

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

The story of a personal and spiritual awakening, Autobiography of a Yogi is a seminal work that continues to aspire and change millions of lives. In his wise, accessible and gentle manner, Paramahansa Yogananda has demystified ancient traditions like yoga and meditation; he imparts truths that are instructive and enriching; and he offers comfort and counsel. From Steve Jobs to the Beatles and Ravi Shankar, Autobiography of a Yogi has been a companion to all those who seek to lead a more spiritual, content life.

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