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A Murder Mystery Writer’s Favorite Murder Mystery Books

Bulbul Sharma is an artist and author. She has written a number of books, including Book of Devi, Shaya Tales, Ramayana and My Sainted Aunts.
 Her most recent book, titled, Murder at the Happy Home for the Aged is set in the lush landscapes of Goa. The tranquility of the Happy Home for Aged is shattered when a body is found hanging in the garden. The inhabitants come together to solve the mystery, patiently and with flashes of inspiration.
Bulbul Sharma shares with us, a list of her favorite murder mystery books, and tells us why she loves them.
‘And Then There Were None’ by Agatha Christie

One Good Turn’ by Kate Atkinson

‘Death comes to Pemberley’ by P.D James

‘London Calling’ by Sara Sheridan
‘In the Company of Cheerful Ladies’ by Alexander McCall Smith

Snippets from the New Murder Mystery in Town

In Bulbul Sharma’s new book, Murder at the Happy Home for the Aged, the tranquillity at the Happy Home is shattered when a body is found hanging in the garden. The inhabitants of the home are first perplexed, then decide to come together to solve the murder that has suddenly brought the violence of the world into their Goan arcadia.
Set in the lush landscape of Goa, where tourists flock from all over the world, where the rich set come to play, bringing in their wake fortune-hunters and other predators, the cast of possible murderers is infinite. But patiently, and with flashes of inspiration, the unlikely detectives follow the clues and in doing so emerge from the isolated and separate worlds they had inhabited for so long.
Here are some snippets from the book that you’re bound to enjoy!

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