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5 Quotes that will Make You Pick ‘A Rising Man’ As Your Next Read

Abir Mukherjee, an accountant turned writer, is the author of the bestselling book A Rising Man. His debut novel was inspired by a desire to recover a crucial period in Anglo-Indian history that seems to have been almost forgotten.  It won the Harvill Secker/Daily Telegraph crime writing competition and became the first in a series starring Captain Sam Wyndham and ‘Surrender-not’ Banerjee.
The story follows Sam Wyndham, an English detective who comes to Calcutta after the Great War in search of a new start. He’s immediately thrown into his first case, the murder of a British burra sahib who’s been found with his throat cut in an alley. Sam, aided by his Indian assistant Sergeant Banerjee, investigate and soon find that things are a bit more complicated than they thought
Here are 5 quotes that will make you pick A Rising Man as your next book.
Murder as entertainment? Hmm…
Ambivalence as a source of shock!
Captain Wyndham was no fan of the war!
British and their alternate channels
Sounds interesting? Pick up your copy of A Rising Man now.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Abir Mukherjee

Abir Mukherjee is the author of the bestselling crime fiction novel A Rising Man. He is the child of Indian immigrants from Calcutta and grew up in West Scotland. A graduate of the London School of Economics, he currently works in finance in London.
He is back with another enthralling crime fiction called A Necessary Evil.
Here are five things you probably didn’t know about him.
That’s how it started!
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He didn’t even expect it!
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He was born in London.
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This time Captain Wyndham and Sergeant Banerjee are in Sambalpore, investigating the assassination of the Maharajah’s son.
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Indulge in suspense and thrills with the Captain Wyndham and Sergeant Banerjee’s latest adventures in A Necessary Evil.
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