Struggling to get a good night’s sleep? In The Satvic Revolution, authors Subah and Harshvardhan show you how quality sleep can be a game-changer for your health. With their simple, practical tips, you’ll learn how to ‘sleep like a baby’ and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. Ready to recharge your body and mind?
Read this exclusive excerpt and find out how!

From the dinosaurs to the apes, from a fish to a bumblebee, Every species that has ever been studied engages in me.
To repair, restore and recharge is my life’s main purpose.
Without me, the world would be nothing short of a circus.
I come to you every night, a little after the sun goes to bed, I bring with me the moon and the stars, which in the sky I widely spread.
I am the one who makes your eyelids heavy, and your mouth open in a yawn,
After all, I don’t have much time with you, as I have to depart before dawn.
My hope is to have you with me in the hours that are prime,
So I can energize your mind, and refill your body’s batteries for the next day’s climb.
You spend with me more time than you spend eating,
Yet in your school and college, I was a subject quite fleeting.
Learn about me and you’ll find great miracles in store,
Neglect my lessons, and chaos & destruction may knock at your door.
You can’t miss me for too long, even if you try,
Can you take a guess, who am I?
Answer: Sleep
Here’s a question for you: If you were blessed with a long life, living up to the age of ninety, how much of your time would you have spent sleeping?
Pause. Take a deep breath and think about your answer.
Well, it would be close to thirty YEARS!
In other words, we spend almost one-third of our lives sleeping!
We find this a bit ironic. We dedicate one-third of our lives to this one activity, but rarely do we stop and think about its quality. Rarely do we stop and think about how we could improve it.
Well, this chapter is here to change that. In the next pages, not only will you become aware of what exactly happens inside your body while you’re asleep, but you will also learn how to reap all its benefits without compromising on your work time, family time or ‘me’ time.
Allow us to introduce you to habit three—’Sleep Like a Baby’. Why ‘like a baby’? Well, because they have the best and the deepest sleep. Have you ever observed a baby or a child sleeping so soundly that even if moved from the couch to the bed in the night, he/she would find out only in the morning? That’s how deep their sleep is! Now, of course, as adults we cannot replicate their depth of sleep, but, even if we are able to achieve sleep close to that, we would accelerate our path to peak health and joy.
Overloading the Brain with Information before Sleep
When we scroll through Instagram, Facebook or any social media, our minds get bombarded with content.Here’s something interesting that Jim Kwik, the author of Limitless shares: we now consume as much data in a day as an average person in the fifteenth century would have absorbed in an entire lifetime!
What’s worse is that much of this data exposure happens right before we sleep. In other words, we overload our minds with an unrestricted bombardment of information when it should really be winding down for rest. What happens as a result? Afterwards, our body may sleep, but our mind remains active.
Have you ever experienced that the last thought you had before sleeping continues to generate random thoughts throughout the night? For example, watching a late-night horror movie often leads to a nightmarish dream, or if you happen to stalk someone on social media just before bed, their presence may find its way into your dreams. I must confess that I’ve encountered this phenomenon frequently, as you may recall from my rather bizarre dream in the
previous chapter. But why does this happen? Because the last visual or audio input we expose our minds to before sleep leaves an impression that we carry forward with us to our sleep.
Regrettably, many of us go to sleep after watching world news or dramatic TV shows that showcase chaos, and families and homes breaking apart. What we don’t realize is that we take this emotional residue (the lust, greed, jealousy, hatred, pain and fear) with us into our sleep. This not only keeps our minds on high alert, preventing us from sinking into deep sleep, but also makes that negativity seep into our subconscious mind.
In essence, how deeply you sleep at night depends largely on how you spend the last one hour before sleep.
Now that we’ve discussed how gadgets get in the way of achieving deep sleep, let’s look at what we can do instead in that last one hour before sleep.
Get your copy of The Satvic Revolution by Subah Saraf and Harshvardhan Saraf on Amazon or wherever books are sold.