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8 Steps to Improve Your Quality Of Life And Achieve Your Goal

We all dream about a glorious future and set goals to turn it into a reality. What if someone told you that you only need 5 years to achieve your goals.
Arfeen Khan in Where will you be in 5 years gives you crucial tips that are practical, effective and can be implemented from day one. He also helps you chart out your growth and solve your personal problems.
Here are 8 steps that he insists will help you improve your quality of life
Take Control of Your Health
Grow Your Wealth in a Steady Manner
How Passionate Are You about Your Work?
When Someone Knows You Better than You Know Yourself
Stay Curious and You Will Enjoy Life
Things Belong to You, You Don’t Belong to Them

How to Be Creative? Play Games
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Stay Tuned to Your Social Support System
Tell us what do you do to improve the quality of life.

6 Ways in Which You Can Achieve Your Dreams In 5 Years

Peak performance coach Arfeen Khan, who has been long associated with Bollywood, gives you the mantra to turn your dreams into reality. He says 5 years’ time is all you need to make it happen.  His approach is practical, effective and can be implemented from day one. He helps you make your own plan, overcome your personal problems and move on a path of growth and change.
Here are six tips to nail success on its head:
Self-belief is everything!
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Value all aspects of life equally
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Your choices frame your personality
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Pressure can bring out the best in you
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Passion will push to achieve greater things
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Planning always helps!
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So, are you ready to take on the world?

10 Lessons from Lilly Singh’s Book, “How To Be A Bawse”

Lilly Singh is a multi-faceted comedian, entertainer and now an international bestselling author. In her book, HOW TO BE A BAWSE: A Guide to Conquering Life, Lilly teaches readers how to be their own bawse, a person who exudes confidence and reaches goals. Inspired by hilarious and honest stories from Lilly’s own experiences, this book proves that there are no shortcuts to success and becoming a bawse requires handwork and dedication.
Here are 10 of our favorite lessons from Lilly (aka Superwoman) in How To Be A Bawse:
Tell us how are you conquering life.

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