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New Year, Who ‘Dis? –10 Books for Your 2024 Makeover

Out with the old, and in with the awesome! Get ready for a year of transformation with our handpicked selection of 10 wellness and career books that promise to make your journey through 2024 nothing short of extraordinary. From boosting your health to thriving in the new work era, these books make self-improvement simple and accessible.
Easy tips, real stories, and quick routines await – it’s time for a new and better you!


Heal your Gut, Mind and Emotions
Heal your Gut, Mind and Emotions || Dimple Jangda

In Heal Your Gut, Mind & Emotions, she shares the tools that shaped her life and advises on how you can use food to preserve your health and reverse diseases. She outlines a five-step process that will help you unlock the huge potentials of the gut and improve your gut–brain axis so it can share critical information with you on what the body truly needs.
Dimple’s goal is to empower people to use nutrition to prevent disease, and through this accessible, exhaustive book, shows you just how you can do that.


Career 3.0
Career 3.0 || Abhijit Bhaduri

Abhijit Bhaduri, a renowned expert on talent and leadership, shows you how to develop the six key skills that will make you future-ready and successful in Career 3.0. Whether you work for an organization, run your own business or do both, you will discover how to adapt to change, learn new skills, and lead with impact.

Career 3.0 is a guide that will help you stay relevant. The book is filled with inspiring stories that will challenge you to rethink your career vision, strategy and action. It will give you the tools and techniques to thrive in the new world of work.

You may be surprised to find out that you already have a Career 3.0 mindset. Now you know what it is called.



Move Better
Move Better || Shikha Puri Arora

Have you woken up one day and noticed that your knee is suddenly hurting? Do you go through days managing spasms and sprains that you can’t really explain? All of this, even though you exercise regularly and have a fitness schedule?

The problem might be in how you move or how you sit, says popular rehab and movement coach, Shikha Puri Arora. In this practical and timely book, the Mumbai-based expert argues that the way we move, sit, stand, walk and carry ourselves reveals a lot about the quality of our health.

Unlocked || Gezim Gashi

Gezim Gashi recounts his extraordinary journey-from escaping the Kosovo genocide to becoming the first Albanian-Swede to launch a high school institute in the United States – Gezim lays out a path to personal success and fulfillment that is accessible to all, regardless of their background. With his mentorship, readers will be inspired to overcome obstacles and achieve their biggest goals.


The Perfect 10
The Perfect 10 || Yasmin Karachiwala

Fitness looks hard. Weight maintenance looks difficult.

It is a culture that has normalized conversations that have been internalized so deeply that we forget that many are the same half-truths or untruths repeated for so long that they become part of our conditioning.

Normalize this: fitness is easy.

This book will show you that all it takes is ten minutes a day to start that journey and will be packed with exercise plans, movement ideas and lifestyle changes punctuated by stories of real journeys of real people. Get up. Move with Yasmin Karachiwala. And see how your body and your life changes.


Play to Transform
Play to Transform || Avinash Jhangiani

Play to Transform is a book that challenges the traditional mindset of business leaders and encourages them to tap into their inner child to accelerate transformation with purpose. The book argues that we are all born creative geniuses with an innate ability to empathize deeply with others, but somewhere along the way, we have lost touch with these qualities. In the post-pandemic world, leaders need to be more empathetic and agile than ever before, and a conscious shift in mindset is required to achieve this.



Pause, Rewind
Pause, Rewind || Nawaz Modi Singhania

In Pause, Rewind, Nawaz Modi Singhania writes about the role of fitness, nutrition and good mental health in ageing well. She shares techniques she’s developed over her years as a leading fitness consultant, including facial fitness exercises, muscle work, how to build the immune system and health-promoting foods.
When it comes to lifestyle, the book talks of other factors that affect ageing, including sleep, hydration, stress, drinking, smoking, what’s in your head space and heart space, and one’s mindset-positive or negative.
She also shares how to reverse the effects of age, whether it’s weakened eyesight, reduced hearing, osteoporosis, or losing stability and balance.


Leading from the Back
Leading from the Back || Ravi Kant, Harry Paul, Ross Reck

Leading from the Back is a distillation of the collective experience and wisdom of Ravi Kant (former CEO, vice chairman, Tata Motors), Harry Paul (co-author of the bestseller FISH! A Proven Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results) and Ross Reck (co-author of The Win-Win Negotiator).

Dhruva || Gauranga Darshan Das

Does destiny block our path to success?
How can we make complex relationships thrive?

Discover practical answers to these questions within the pages of DHRUVA, an enthralling narrative penned by Gauranga Darshan Das, an esteemed author, educator and monk, hailing from the prestigious IISc.
Prince Dhruva’s awe-inspiring journey evokes a spectrum of emotions–love, heartbreak, revenge, passion, guilt and devotion. As you immerse yourself in this gripping tale, Gauranga Darshan artfully weaves his realizations as pearls of wisdom that are refreshingly simple yet remarkably effective.
With a seamless blend of storytelling prowess and practical wisdom, DHRUVA shall deeply resonate with your pursuit of organic success and fulfilling relationships.


Attitude || Adam Ashton & Adam Jones

Have you ever stumbled upon a piece of life-changing knowledge that made you think: Why the hell didn’t someone tell me this sooner?!
Millions of people have listened to Adam Ashton and Adam Jones on the What You Will Learn podcast, where they have spent tens of thousands of hours studying the best ideas from the greatest minds on the planet. Their most frequently asked question: What is the best lesson you’ve come across? While you’d think a simple question would have a simple answer, it hasn’t-until now! Attitude: The Sh*t They Never Taught You will take you on a journey through takeaways from over a hundred of the world’s greatest thinkers, capturing lessons in personal development, career, business, personal finance, human nature, history and philosophy. Every lesson will be useful, and one might change your life. Remember, it is your attitude, not aptitude, that determines your altitude in life.

The Gut-Brain Connection: Dimple Jangda’s Guide to Wellness

Prepare to uncover the extraordinary abilities hidden within your gut in this exclusive sneak peek from ‘Heal Your Gut, Mind, and Emotions’ by Dimple Jangda. Learn how your gut holds the key to your intuition, emotions, and overall health, all explained in a way that’s easy to understand. Discover the incredible relationship between your gut and mind, and pick up practical tips to boost your well-being.

Read this exclusive excerpt to know more!


Heal your Gut, Mind and Emotions
Heal your Gut, Mind and Emotions || Dimple Jangda


I have a heart-feeling or a brain-feeling, said no one ever. It is a gut-feeling, gut intuition, or gut instinct that we all crave to experience and follow. Have you ever had a gut feeling about something, and when you followed what it was telling you, it was the best decision you made? But how is it possible for us to feel through the gut? Shouldn’t our feelings come from a purer place, like the heart centre, or from a more superior organ, like the brain?
We always follow our gut, because deep down even our body knows that, Intuition comes from the gut!

Many scientists call the gut ‘a second brain’. Some scientists have gone one step forward to say that the gut could be the biggest brain in the body, because there are more neurons lining the gut walls than there are neurons in the brain. Neurons are your information messengers that transmit information between different areas within the brain, and also between the brain and the nervous system connected to all other organs.


The gut is directly connected to the brain.
The gut has a direct hotline access to the brain. It sends messages to the brain every micromillion second. The vagus nerve, or the vagal nerve, plays a critical role here, controlling the gut–brain axis, carrying messages from the digestive system and organs to the brain and vice versa. It originates from the brainstem, passes through the neck and the thorax, down to the abdomen, and controls bodily functions such as digestion, heart rate, and the immune system. In fact, scientists have discovered that treating the vagus nerve allows us to treat even psychiatric disorders like depression, PTSD, and gastrointestinal disorders like indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome.


Sing, hum and chant your way to good gut health! The vagus nerve is the most sensitive and also the weakest nerve. It governs the respiratory system, digestive and neuron health, and sends messages to the gut on when to churn the food, what kind of enzyme production to keep, how much stomach acid levels to maintain, when to contract which muscle in order to push the food into the intestines. When these signals are strong or at a high vagal tone, it signifies healthy digestion and your ability to adapt to stress. But when these signals are weak, it signifies a low vagal tone and poor digestive health.


How can we strengthen the vagal nerve at home? The vagus nerve is also directly connected to your vocal cord and the muscles at the back of your throat. You can sing, hum, chant, gargle with a mixture of warm water, turmeric and salt, and do the Brahmi pranayama to strengthen the vagus nerve. You see, the morning prayer and songs our mothers made us sing were not just to please God, but to improve our gut health too. Chanting not only strengthens the vagal nerve and digestion, it also improves mental health by replacing any negative sounds in our brain with positive sounds. It improves focus, mental clarity, concentration and coordination.


The gut and brain have a 1:1 relationship.
It is almost like a marriage between two equals and, for a healthy relationship, both must have equal opportunities to express themselves. While you are busy relishing a piece of dessert, your brain sends messages to the gut on what kind of food is about to arrive, and what kind of digestive juices to prepare for the new guest. Meanwhile, your gut continuously sends feedback to the brain on how its feeling, when it is full, when to stop eating. However, when we sit with poor posture, the gut–brain axis gets impacted, causing delayed signals from the gut to the brain, leading to overeating. This is why, in many Asian cultures, elders emphasize the importance of sitting on the floor to eat. When you sit cross legged, it corrects the posture of your spine, allows your gut and brain to smoothly communicate, which prevents you from overeating.


Emotions are experienced in the gut
When you feel anxious, scared, excited, happy, nervous, where do you feel it? You first feel it in the gut. You experience butterflies fluttering in the stomach, and if you entered a place that holds a negative vibe, you would also have this gut-wrenching feeling that something is not right. And your gut is never wrong. It is like a compass installed inside of you to navigate smoothly through this world. Listen to it. Memories are also stored in the gut. When we eat a delicacy that is similar to our grandmother’s recipe, nostalgia hits.
Suddenly our mind gets flooded with all our childhood memories! In fact, advertisers will use that emotion to sell you packaged food products. That is because emotions are experienced through touch, taste, sound, and smell; and the sum of those emotions are stored in the form of memories. Your gut responds to those memories by reminding you exactly how you felt before. The neurons in your brain and your gut make memories by firing together, which allows you to recall multiple memories at the same time. So, emotions and memories are also stored in the gut, and you have an added reason to protect it.

Over 75 per cent of serotonin is released in the gut


Serotonin is the ‘feel-good hormone’ which plays a key role in fighting off anxiety and depression. When the gut is healthy and happy, it sends positive signals to the brain. But when the gut is unhealthy, it sends distress signals to the brain. When we eat a simple home-cooked meal that is made with fresh ingredients, lovingly prepared by our grandparent, parent, partner or even by us, we naturally feel satiated and happy due to the serotonin released in the gut. But when we eat reheated, packaged foods that have preservatives and a short shelf life, the feeling isn’t the same. The gut responds to the quality of the ingredients, the cooking methods and releases serotonin accordingly.

The way to everybody’s heart is through the gut!


Get your copy of Heal Your Gut, Mind & Emotions by Dimple Jangda wherever books are sold.

6 Books to Boost Your Well-Being in 2023 and Beyond!

As we’ve crossed the halfway mark of the year, it is the perfect time to reflect on our goals and prioritize self-care for a healthy lifestyle. And we’ve come to your rescue! This handpicked selection of health and wellness books will equip you with the knowledge and tools to optimize your well-being, allowing you to navigate the challenges and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.

Check out these books to unlock a healthier, more fulfilling future for the remainder of 2023!

Small Wins Everyday
Small Wins Everyday|| Luke Coutinho

In Small Wins Every Day, Luke Coutinho presents a simple premise with powerful results, teaching you to rewire your brain for success. The hack? Break down your goals into small wins that you can achieve every day. Stacked over time, these contribute to significant lifestyle changes, good health and happiness.

Simple and bite-sized but packed with a punch, here are 100 wins to change your life.


Hacking Health
Hacking Health || Mukesh Bansal

In Hacking Health, Mukesh Bansal takes on the mammoth task of demystifying the science, simplifying the research and tracing the story of our relationship with our body. Through a combination of personal experience and cutting-edge science, this is a book that draws from ancient wisdom and also debunks unscientific myths to help you make smart choices in pursuit of good health. From nutrition and fitness to sleep and immunity, weight management and mental health to ageing and longevity, this book delves into the breadth and depth of holistic health and helps you navigate the lines between science and pseudoscience.


7 Rules to Reset Your Mind and Body for Greater Well-Being
7 Rules to Reset Your Mind and Body for Greater Well-Being

7 Rules to Reset Your Mind and Body for Greater Well-Being is the simple but practical guide you need to read to get that control back. Written by the most admired and respected Dr Hansaji Yogendra of The Yoga Institute, this step-by-step guide explains the importance of creating and maintaining balance in all aspects of your life.

In an anecdotal and friendly way, Dr Hansaji delineates the practices and the thought processes you need to develop and the changes you need to make to put life in perspective for you. Whether it is getting a
good night’s sleep or eating healthy or dealing with the office stress, she helps you sort out each aspect with her great insight.

Dr Mathai’s ABC to Health
Dr Mathai’s ABC to Health || Issac Mathai

Dr Mathai’s ABC to Good Health tells you why you must not postpone all those good habits of staying healthy and what could happen to you if you ignore your fitness quotient. It tells you why you must not press the panic button only when you fall sick but practise wellness every single day to build a solid immunity and stay away from the common cold, fever and many everyday ailments.

The book gives you simple tips to practise daily wellness by way of eating right, sleeping enough and staying positive at all times. It gives you the health benefits of practising wellness from A to Z, ranging from fruits and nuts to vegetables and even activities that can make you feel like a rock star every single morning when you wake up. It is wellness today and every single day.

25 Small Habits
25 Small Habits || Manoj Chenthamarakshan

We all know that our habits shape our lives, but when we try to incorporate a new habit into our lifestyle, we understand how difficult it can get. Most people fail to retain a new habit past the first week. This book doesn’t teach you how to develop habits; instead, it offers you a set of twenty-five small habits that take very little time and can be held on to without much effort.

25 Small Habits is designed to give you holistic growth in terms of self-development, community, career, relationship, and physical and mental health. You can choose the habits that you are able to fit into your daily schedule.


Energize Your Mind
Energize Your Mind || Gaur Gopal Das

In Energize Your Mind, bestselling author and life coach Gaur Gopal Das decodes how the mind works. He combines his anecdotal style with analytical research to teach us how to discipline our mind for our greater well-being. Throughout this book, he provides interactive exercises, meditation techniques and worksheets to help us take charge of our mind.

This book is an essential read for anyone who wants to work towards a better, more fulfilling future for themselves.



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