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The Book to Read to know more about the RSS

Tracing the growth of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) since its formation in the mid-1920s, Walter K. Anderson and Shridhar D. Damle examine its ideology and training system in their book, The Brotherhood in Saffron. 

Read on to know why you should get your hands on the copy of this book:

It gives insight into the humble origins of the RSS

“The RSS was established in 1925 as a kind of educational body whose objective was to train a group of Hindu men who, on the basis of their character-building experience in the RSS, would work to unite the Hindu community so that India could again become an independent country and a creative society”


It answers interesting questions like whether the British considered the RSS to be a threat 

“In an official report on RSS activity, prepared in 1943, the Home Department concluded, ‘. . . it would be difficult to argue that the RSS constitutes an immediate menace to law and order . . .’


The book is a prequel to the award-winning ‘RSS: A View to the Inside’

Thirty years before they wrote the award-winning ‘RSS: A View to the Inside’, Anderson and Damle published their first path-breaking book on the RSS. As the first significant book on the RSS, this prequel provides readers their first glimpse into the inner workings of the Sangh.


It clarifies what the RSS actually thinks about communal rioting

(Hint: They consider it a weakness!)

“Its(RSS) founder viewed the communal rioting as a symptom of the weakness and divisions within the Hindu community.”


 The book helps you learn more about RSS, a significant cultural organization

The RSS is one of the most significant cultural organizations in India, making this book a powerful and important read.

The Brotherhood in Saffron is AVAILABLE NOW.

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