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Bhajpa Ka Abhyuday

Bhajpa Ka Abhyuday

Duniyan Ke Sabse Bade Rajnaitik Dal Ka Utthan

Bhupender Yadav
Ila Patnaik
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TheBharatiyaJanataPartyisanideathatwas seededintothemindsof nationalist Jana Sangh leaders when they began to envision India after Independence.Muchliketheverycorethefreedomstrugglewasbuilton, theysawIndiaasademographically,culturallyandhistoricallycohesiveand unifiednation-asBharat.Inthisbook,seniorBJPleaderandcabinetminister Bhupender Yadav and leading economist Ila Patnaik come together totrace

the BJP’s journey from its humble roots, through ups and downs and to eventuallygetting303seatsinLokSabhain2019andbecomingtheworld’s largest political party. While focusing on the larger economics and political story, the book encapsulates many smaller, yet hugely significant stories of individualsandincidents,whichbrought theBJPtowhereitstandsnow.For thefirsttimeever,TheRiseoftheBJP,tellsustheinsidestoryofhowoneofthe most powerful political parties makes decisions, implements ideas and executespolicy.Meticulouslyresearchedandimmenselyreadable,thebook shows us how the BJP fought competing ideologies, political assaults and catapultedtothecentrestageofnationalpolitics.

Imprint: Hind Pocket Books

Published: Jun/2022

ISBN: 9780143457510

Length : 312 Pages

MRP : ₹399.00

Bhajpa Ka Abhyuday

Duniyan Ke Sabse Bade Rajnaitik Dal Ka Utthan

Bhupender Yadav
Ila Patnaik

TheBharatiyaJanataPartyisanideathatwas seededintothemindsof nationalist Jana Sangh leaders when they began to envision India after Independence.Muchliketheverycorethefreedomstrugglewasbuilton, theysawIndiaasademographically,culturallyandhistoricallycohesiveand unifiednation-asBharat.Inthisbook,seniorBJPleaderandcabinetminister Bhupender Yadav and leading economist Ila Patnaik come together totrace

the BJP’s journey from its humble roots, through ups and downs and to eventuallygetting303seatsinLokSabhain2019andbecomingtheworld’s largest political party. While focusing on the larger economics and political story, the book encapsulates many smaller, yet hugely significant stories of individualsandincidents,whichbrought theBJPtowhereitstandsnow.For thefirsttimeever,TheRiseoftheBJP,tellsustheinsidestoryofhowoneofthe most powerful political parties makes decisions, implements ideas and executespolicy.Meticulouslyresearchedandimmenselyreadable,thebook shows us how the BJP fought competing ideologies, political assaults and catapultedtothecentrestageofnationalpolitics.

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Bhupender Yadav

Bhupender Yadav is a senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader and member of Parliament representing the state of Rajasthan since 2012. Currently serving as the Union Minister of Labour and Employment and Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, he started as a student union leader and in 2000, was appointed General Secretary of the Akhil Bharatiya Adhivakta Parishad, a lawyers' organization, and remained in the position till 2009. A practising Supreme Court lawyer, he was appointed as the BJP's National Secretary in 2010 and took charge as National General Secretary in 2014. Previously the chairman/member of twenty-five Parliamentary Committees, Bhupender Yadav is also the co-author of the book Supreme Court on Forest Conservation and regularly expresses his views on issues of importance in newspapers and on news websites.

Ila Patnaik

Ila Patnaik is an economist and professor at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi. She has previously served as the Principal Economic Advisor to the Government of India in 2014-15 and holds a PhD from the University of Surrey, UK. Born and brought up in Delhi, she studied at Hindu College and Jawaharlal Nehru University and has numerous academic papers in reputed journals for economics to her name. She has also been engaged in policy processes and committees and is a popular columnist in the media.

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