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Rasil Ahuja
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Paperback / Hardback

Life’s not always fair . . .
and neither are we

Auditions are on for the seventh grade annual play. Lina sets her heart and sights on the lead role, but the drama teacher seems to think Lina isn’t the right shade for the part. All Lina wants is a #FAIRCHANCE to try out for the role. Will narrow-minded Miss Deepa derail Lina’s dream?

Meher finds maths far more interesting, and less dramatic, than Macbeth. When her extroverted BFF Lina suddenly becomes distraught and withdrawn, Meher tries to figure out what she may have done wrong, but things just don’t seem to add up. Will their friendship fade or will Meher find a solution to this problem and score #FRIENDSHIPGOALS?

Imprint: India Puffin

Published: Nov/2020

ISBN: 9780143451341

Length : 192 Pages

MRP : ₹250.00


Rasil Ahuja

Life’s not always fair . . .
and neither are we

Auditions are on for the seventh grade annual play. Lina sets her heart and sights on the lead role, but the drama teacher seems to think Lina isn’t the right shade for the part. All Lina wants is a #FAIRCHANCE to try out for the role. Will narrow-minded Miss Deepa derail Lina’s dream?

Meher finds maths far more interesting, and less dramatic, than Macbeth. When her extroverted BFF Lina suddenly becomes distraught and withdrawn, Meher tries to figure out what she may have done wrong, but things just don’t seem to add up. Will their friendship fade or will Meher find a solution to this problem and score #FRIENDSHIPGOALS?

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Paperback / Hardback

Rasil Ahuja

Rasil Kaur Ahuja is a reader, writer and educator living in Bengaluru with her husband and son. An army brat, she lived in Delhi, Udhampur, Ambala, Vadodara, the US and Bhopal--all before the age of twelve. Unfair originates from the author's personal experience with a tube of fairness cream. This is her second book for children. She is also the author of Watcha Gonna Do, Rosie Singh?

Meet Bijli, Mehar’s bicycle!

Unfair by Rasil Ahuja is a wonderful fictional tale of determination and finding comfort and assurance in friendships. It celebrates self-love, accepting oneself and having body confidence. Meet two best friends, Lina and Meher who are ready to break all the biases and prejudices the society puts on those having dark skin tone in this […]

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